- 一个视图切换的例子! 做课程设计时要用到的一个关键技术之一!! 希望朋友们来看一下-a view to switch the example! So when designing courses that will be used in a key technique! ! Hope friends watch this!
- 此为vb.net编写。可以在Listview中增加控件。如:进度条等等。-vb.net prepared for this. In addition ListView control. Such as : the progress of and so on.
- 通过该程序可以为CListBox控件设置自己喜欢的背景图片,使你的程序界面更加新颖。-adoption of the procedures to set up CListBox control their favorite background image, so your program interface more innovative.
- 一个很Cool的信息条提示!让你很快地掌握如何用最少的代码实现比较复杂的功能-information alerts! So you quickly grasp how to use the code to achieve at least more complex functions
- 经过jbuilder调试,本列主要实现列表中的增加、删除等等操作-after JBuilder debugging, out of the main list of addition, deletion and so on operation
- ModBus通讯协议分为RTU协议和ASCII协议,我公司的多种仪表都采用ModBus RTU通讯协议,如:YD2000智能电力监测仪、巡检表、数显表、光柱数显表等。下面就ModBus RTU协议简要介绍如下: 一、通讯协议 ModBus通讯协议分为RTU协议和ASCII协议,我公司的多种仪表都采用ModBus RTU通讯协议,如:YD2000智能电力监测仪、巡检表、数显表、光柱数显表等。下面就ModBus RTU协议简要介绍如下: 一、通讯协议-ModBus RT
- 我手上的资料不是太多,先上送一个资料,请多多指导。网上的资料实在太少了,所以我得尽力去找一个你喜欢的,请笑纳。-the information I have is not too large, the first one to send information on Please excuse guidance. Online information is too small, so I have to make every effort to find one you like, please
- 这个可是很爽的一个VB类,对ListView API进行了完全的封装,读这个原代码可以熟悉ListView的方方面面,里面有个技术很爽,就是subclass的特殊实现方法,完全就象Window SDK编程,真的很爽,里面用了VB指针技术,感觉是那么的自由,其实VB也没有什么不可以,唯一的缺点就是不好调试(强行点VB的强行中止按钮,VB集成开发环境会崩溃,主要是以为是解释执行了,..还是VC好)-the VB one very interesting category of ListView AP
- 支持listview中快速排序,按内容调整列宽等等。-support rapid sequencing error, as adjusted by the column width so on.
- 这是一个多列且具有检查框的列表框。使用它,你可以制作诸如安装程序中的自定义安装明细表等等。-This is shown in more than one check box having a list box. To use it, you can produce such as installation procedures for the custom installation schedules and so on.
- 这是tapestry的资料```很不错的``希望大家好好看看`现在tapestry的资料太少了-This the tapestry of information very good We hope that good look now tapestry so little information
- GRID表格编程库程序,很棒的,做报表工具类。-GRID form programming library procedures, terrific, so tools such statements.
- 该程序实现在listctrl中修改字体颜色,加按钮,进度条等等功能-the program in listctrl modified font color, plus buttons, and so on the progress of the functional
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- 这是一个从CListCtrl派生的类,使你可以方便地在你的列表控件中加入Drag&Drop支持可以支持单行和多行快试一试吧-CListCtrl derived from the class, so you can conveniently in your Control List support adding DragDrop can support single and multiple test it fast
- 一个彩色的列表框,让你的程序界面更富于色感-color of a list box, so your program interface more rich color flu
- 提供MFC列表框中没有的很多功能,比如行颜色,列颜色,行中下拉框,复选框等等超酷功能!-MFC list box does not provide many features, such as line color, line color, line drop-down boxes, check boxes, and so the cool features!
- 1、VB如何调用批处理程序; 2、VB强制删除文件; 3、结束可恶的北信源进程; 4、让电脑不在受监控;-1, VB how to call a batch program 2, VB to force delete files 3, the end of a nasty North source process 4, so that the computer is not monitored
- ListBox 的各自功能 ,添加,删除,显示,排队,等等高级功能等。有注释-ListBox of their functions, add, delete, display, line up, so advanced features. Annotated