- VB6, windows2000 画个个简单图形,生成对应的文本C:\\wjj.txt 用于编程时加入简单的图形,并且是文本格式-VB6, each painting windows2000 simple graphics, text generation counterparts C : \\ wjj.txt for programming at the addition of a simple graphics, and text format is
- What is it? Ilib is a library (and some tools and examples) written in C that can read, create, manipulate and save images. It is capable of using X11 BDF fonts for drawing text. (X11 BDF fonts are part of the UNIX-based X11 Windows System, original
- 在这个程序中,给出了怎样自绘位图的一种方法,这个源代码是vc开发大全书中的例子,它给出了详细的解释和示例,有兴趣的朋友可以去下载来看看。-in this process, given how self-drawn map a way that the source code is developed Daquan book vc example, it gives a detailed explanation and examples, interested friends to downloa
- 此程序可输出一螺旋形状的图形,开发此程序的目的在于熟练使用C++中的if、case语句。-this procedure can output a spiral-shaped graphics, the development of this program aimed at skilled in the use of C if, the case statement.
- 这段程序实现了对图像的膨胀运算,针对的都是黑色点。参数中有一个BOOL变量,为真时,表示在水平方向进行膨胀运算,即结构元素B为(1 ,1. ,1)否则在竖直方向上进行膨胀运算,即结构元素B为1 1.1 。-this program for the expansion of computing image has been aimed at Black Point. Parameters have a BOOL variable to true, in the horizontal directi
- 利用线性插值的方式,实现图像的平滑放大。克服StretchBlt在放大时产生的马赛克现象。-using linear interpolation modes to achieve a smooth image to enlarge it. Large overcome StretchBlt in the mosaics at the phenomenon.
- 图形文件查看源代码,可以对JPG,BMP,ICO等格式的文件进行预览- The graphic file examination source code, may to JPG, BMP, form the and so on ICO document carry on looks at in advance
- 本程序演示了,图像处理中图像模糊的算法,目前只支持256色图像处理- This procedure has demonstrated, in picture processing 鍥惧儚妯$硦 the algorithm, at present only supports 256 colors pictures to process
- 形态学图像边缘检测运算。结构元素为水平方向或垂直方向的三个点,中间点位于原点-morphological image edge detection operators. Structural elements of the vertical or horizontal direction of the three points at the mid-point of origin
- 利用形态学方法进行噪声消除图像进行膨胀运算。结构元素为水平方向或垂直方向的三个点,中间点位于原点-morphological methods used to eliminate noise images expansion computing. Structural elements of the vertical or horizontal direction of the three points at the mid-point of origin
- 一个图形学中很简单的二维变换程序 是用C编的 请大家不要见笑-a very simple two-dimensional transformation process is part of the C Please do not laughed at
- Using this \"WinTrans\" application you will be able to select any currently running application and turn it transparent by dragging and dropping the wand (icon at the top-left corner) on the title bar of that application. You can also control the tr
- 在vc的环境下,关于bezier曲线的实现,可以用鼠标在屏幕上任意给出控制点的位子.-vc in the environment, on the realization of bezier curves, you can use the mouse on the screen any given place at the control point.
- 数字图像处理用。应用于拍摄的图像的抖动处理,消除因拍摄照片时手斗动造成的图像模糊 -using digital image processing. Filming for the image jitter, eliminate photographs at the hands of the Big Dipper moving images fuzzy
- 等值线 在科学计算和现实生活中,常常会遇到y=f(t)这类函数关系,例如,正弦、余弦等等。函数y=f(t)往往是以离散的观测值形式f(ti)(i=1,....N)表现出来的。例如,令股民朋友如醉如痴的K线图,与千家万户性命攸关的河流水位曲线图等等。离散函数关系有不少数据处理课题,例如,数据拟合、插值和平滑等等。最令人兴奋的还是预测,如果股民朋友能够准确把握y=f(t)的走向,钞票就会源源不断涌入口袋。如果水文学家能够准确预测河流水位暴涨的过程,可以大量减少生命和财产损失。 所谓画曲线就
- 是一个Tif文件的读取程序。很值得来看看!-is a savvy reader of the document. Very worthwhile to look at!
- 用普通方法显示BMP位图,占内存大,速度慢,在图形缩小时,失真严重,在低颜色位数的设备上显示高颜色位数的图形图形时失真大。本 文采用视频函数显示BMP位图,可以消除以上的缺点。 -using ordinary methods bitmap display BMP, or memory, is slower, the graphics narrow, serious distortion in the low median colors displayed on the device
- VC图象处理code+转灰度,不多说了,看看代码仔细研究一下-VC + image processing code to gray, not to say, look at the code carefully study
- vc与c++是实现园的画法的算法,很具体请大大家认真看看,求breshman算法-vc and c is the garden painting algorithm very specific requests everyone to seriously look at the big, seeking breshman Algorithm
- 这是本人在做硕士论文时开发 的有关GUI 图象设计的代码-this is my master's thesis done at the development of the graphic design of the GUI code