- ASP工作任务管理系统下载 ┆公司里给每个员工分配工作时用的到它-Task management system for ASP Download ┆ the company assigned to each employee to use it at work
- 这是一个通过inet来获取网页内容的程序,远程获取文件内容,实际上是通过URL地址来得到指定地址下某文档的源代码,如截图示,一看便知,不过如果是一些文本类型的文件,也是能获取到的,只不过你需要输入的地址完全正确。 -This is a web content through the inet to get the procedure, remote access to file contents, in fact, get through the URL address to the add
- 在HTtp Client端选择一个证书 -Selecting a certificate at HTTP client
- Extended web browser control for .NET 1.01.1 The next version of the .NET framework features a comprehensive wrapper class for the Microsoft Web Browser control - a COM control that is used by IE and is embedded into Explorer. This new control feat
- 一款简单的浏览器,方便实用,大家看看有啥 不足,麻烦指出-Browser, a simple, convenient and practical, let us look at what he insufficient, pointed out that the trouble
- MyIE的源码,没有去仔细看。想写浏览器的可以-MyIE source, did not go to a closer look at. Write browser can look at
- 一个可以同时查询多个搜索引擎收录状态的程序,包含所有源文件.-One can query multiple search engines at the same time record the status of the procedure, including all source files.
- 用户在您网站发布信息时可同时进行地图标注,用户在您网站发布信息时可同时进行地图标注。-Users to publish information on your site map can be marked at the same time, users publish information on your site map can be marked at the same time.
- 这个是基于Rashid Thadha的IE工具栏开发的。类似google工具条。 -This working example is based on the Toolbar for IE sample by Rashid Thadha. I tried to incorporate most features that are found in the Google toolbar (and some new ones). It looks much like the Google Bar
- 本人是在家中上网,经常有一些BBS的密码懒得记了,就用IE的自动密码保存功能,这样一来是方便了,但却有一个麻烦,一旦机子不行了,想要重装操作系统了,这些密码却也取不出了,还得重新申请,好麻烦!因此我就写了一个工具,可以取得网页密码框的密码. 因为网页密码框不是一般的EDIT控件,因此不能取得网页密码框的句柄.要实现这个功能,只好通过WebBrowser控件的有关COM接口了.因此取得这些接口是整个程序的关键.有两种方法可以取得WebBrowser控件的接口,接下来我们会逐一介绍,并提供示例源
- 你看到一个自己非常喜欢的网站,想把它抓下,但是有这么多页,一页一页储存太浪费时间了。这时,就用的上Getleft 了。Getleft是用 Tcl/Tk 编写的,功能与Teleport 或 GetRight类似,给它个URL,它便可以为你抓下所有连结上的网页。它非常实用,可以设定超级链接,下载网页的层数,要不要下载 JPG、GIF 等等的档,也可以设定要不要抓取 cgi等等。但是,它也有功能上的限制,例如对于 Java、JavaScripe、ASP、PHP 等等,仍是无法抓下。-You see a
- HDWiki-中文第一百科建站系统,hdwiki是互动百科开发的一款免费建站,自助建站程序.并在自助建站的同时提供海量的信息.-The HDWiki-Chinese first Baike Station system hdwiki developed a free interactive encyclopedia establishment of the station, and self- help programs and self- help at the same time to pr
- Javascr ipt实现倒计时功能,一个页面同时加载多个倒计时功能列表-Javascr ipt to achieve the countdown function, a page loads at the same time a countdown function list
- 鉴于广大VC爱好者对于“对话框显示HTML网页”功能的需求,制作一个简单的示例。 1)对话框显示外部磁盘HTML网页 2)对话框显示内部资源HMTL网页 3)显示内存HTML网页 4)联系方式(QQ:34596561 | E-mail:airen3339@163.com) 近期工作需要,在网上找了一些有关在自己程序中显示打开网页的程序,为了方便各位同仁使用及理解,我把它们重新编写成类,去掉了原先一些没有多大用处的函数,也是为了便于正常使
- 完整大型股票网站源码,这个是在论坛买来的,完整无错,已经经过测试,需要的拿去-Full large stock website source code, this is bought at the forum, complete error, has been tested, the need to take
- 找了一个开源的js版本的,自己将大小改为适合手机浏览器屏幕的大小,并且固定在底部。 效果不错,提供给大家下载-Looking for an open source version of JS, they will size to fit the screen size of mobile phone browser, and fixed at the bottom. The effect is good, for everyone to download
- 在进行注册时验证用户名,密码,邮箱格式,主要使用jquery的javascr ipt的类库进行验证-At the time of registration to verify your user name, password, mailbox formats, mainly using the jQuery Javascr ipt library for validation
- 关于窃取邮箱密码的源程序,可以看看如何对付别人的窃取,-Source program about steal passwords, can look at how to deal with other people to steal,
- 在用STM32做开发或学习的时候难免需要同时采集多路AD信号-When do with STM32 development or learning inevitably need to gather multi-channel AD signal at the same time
- 通讯录c源码是我们大一课程设计的题目,当时在网上没找到相关内容-Address book c source code is the topic of our freshman year curriculum design, at that time did not find relevant content on the Internet