- VIGRA is a computer vision library that puts its main emphasize on flexible algorithms, because algorithms represent the principle know-how of this field. The library was consequently built using generic programming as introduced by Stepanov and Muss
- 主要实现五角星图形的绘制,希望能提供参考作用-main five-pointed star graphics rendering, hope to provide useful reference
- MDE 是 MiniGUI 的综合演示程序。主要的演示程序有:虚拟控制台程序、控件演示程序、对话框演示程序、字体演示程序、GDI 接口演示程序、看图程序、记事本程序、绘图程序、扫雷游戏、推箱子游戏、俄罗斯方块游戏、合并同类项游戏等。 -MDE MiniGUI is a comprehensive demonstration program. The main demo program are : Virtual Console procedures, controls demo program,
- 该源码主要用于生成EAN-13条形码,在菜单操作下输入13位数字即可生成条形码,可以保存该图像-the main source used to produce EAN-13 bar code, the menu under 13 digital input can be generated bar codes, we can preserve the images
- 在一个主窗口里理论上可以开任意个小窗口,每个小窗口可能单独编织文字。-in a main window Lane could, in theory, open a small window arbitrary, each small window weaving words alone.
- 主要是向数据库存储图片,并能读取存储的图片并显示出来-main database to store photos, and the pictures stored in the read and displayed
- 关于图形学课程的画图程序,对于大学生交作业非常有用,大家可以参考一下,主要运用图形学知识。-courses on graphics drawing program for college students perpendicular operation very useful, we can reference. the main use of graphics knowledge.
- 主要功能是把图片倒置180度。 虽然是简单的功能,但也能体现用VC图像编程的基本方法。-main function is to picture inverted 180 degrees. Although it is simple, functional, but it can also reflect images with VC's basic programming methods.
- 图像平滑主要是为了消除噪声。噪声并不限于人眼所能看的见的失真和变形,有些噪声只有在进行图像处理时才可以发现。图像的常见噪声主要有加性噪声、乘性噪声和量化噪声等。图像中的噪声往往和信号交织在一起,尤其是乘性噪声,如果平滑不当,就会使图像本身的细节如边界轮廓、线条等变的模糊不清,如何既平滑掉噪声有尽量保持图像细节,是图像平滑主要研究的任务。-image smoothing is mainly to eliminate noise. Noise is not confined to the human
- 该程序为BCB图像处理的一个应用实例,其中包含源文件和可执行文件。主要功能有:效果处理(平滑处理,锐化处理,马赛克等)分别率,色彩变化、亮度调节,边缘检测-procedures for the BCB image processing an application, which includes source documents and executable files. The main functions are : effect of treatment (smoothing, sharp
- 用Java语言开发时,需要编制大量的界面布局、事 件处理等代码,网管软件开发的主要工作量就集中在此。制作一个类似于Delphi、JBuil der等可视化开发工具的对象查看器的参数配置控件用于项目的优点是显而易见的: 1、界面显得很专业; 2、容易做到使整个系统的风格趋于一致; 3、使用灵活,代码量大大减小; -Java language development, the need for the preparation of a large numbe
- 我在VC6.0中建立了一个SDI工程,工程中将主框架窗口切分为两个视图窗口,程序介绍了如何防止用户移动主窗口以及调整切分视图的大小.-establishing an SDI project, which will be the main frame window is divided into two View window, procedures on how to prevent mobile users main window and adjust segmentation View si
- 这是一个很矢量图形绘图工具,主要实现图形的绘制,点选,移动等功能-This is a very vector graphics drawing tool, the main graphics rendering, click, mobile features
- 主要功能,保存位图,抓取屏幕,以及对于位图在抓取过程中的详细说明及相关参数的具体设置和原因。-main function of keeping bitmap capture screen, Bitmap and for the capture process and a detailed descr iption of relevant parameters and set specific reasons.
- The Code Project is an exciting site with impressive teaching and professional exchange capabilities. I have learned much from it and also decided to submit my contribution. Occasionally I was involved in a project to check experimental data for cons
- 这是一个短小的图象屏保程序。是在c下开发的。主要运用了Bezier曲线算法.-This is a short picture screen saver. C is under development. The main use of the Bezier curve algorithm.
- 这个是通过分析eeg(脑电波)来达到控制迷宫中物体移动的主程序 迷宫设计由matlab完成-this is through analysis eeg (EEG) to control the movement of objects maze of maze design by the main program Matlab completed
- 一个可以居中、排列填充、拉伸主图、并且允许有N多个辅助图象,辅助图象可以透明背景,该控件做程序主背景比较好,自己写的。-a middling, and arranged to fill the tensile main map, and allow more than N auxiliary image, Supplementary images can be transparent background, the main control procedures do better backgr
- 这是一个画笔的绘图程序,有21中工具在主工具栏,你可以选择。-This is a brush mapping procedures, 21 of the main tools toolbar, you can choose.
- 这是一个系统自己创建的主函数,无需自己书写。这是一个末班的框架主函数-this is a main founction