- This sample creates a button that displays itself with one of three different bitmaps, depending on its state. The button has a bitmap for: the unpushed state; the hover state (when the mouse moves over the button); and the pushed state. Default bitm
类型3 DigitalDisplayer
- 这个控件的特点与前面两种类型的DigitalDisplayer控件的特点有所改变。它的显示充满控件的整个客户区域,并且可以随着控件客户区域的尺寸改变,其显示效果也随之适应性的发生改变。-controls the characteristics of the previous two types of DigitalDisplayer control features changed. It shows the full control of the entire region customers
- 这个控件是一个多位数码显示控件,控件的内容的操作接口就是其Caption的值。控件的显示尺寸可以通过鼠标更改控件客户区域的高度改变,数码管的个数可以通过更改其宽度改变,颜色可以通过控件属性对话框改变。该空间非常实用,非常方便。-Controls is one of the many digital display controls, controls the content of the user interface is its Caption value. Controls size can
- 解释怎样用DDX/DDV和WTL的属性页表(35KB) -explain how to use DDX / WTL its realization and the attributes of pages (35 kB)
- web中使用Fastreport在ActiveX调用打印例子说明: 1.需要安装fastreport控件 2.执行regsvr32 printx.dll,在delphi环境下就执行run菜单=>register ActiveX Server。 3.执行regsvr32 ocxceshi.ocx,在delphi环境下就执行run菜单=>register ActiveX Server。 请先更改程序的数据库路径! diaoyong目录下为
- 说到COM,相信在Windows平台上有过开发经验的朋友一定接触过,它是Windows操作系统的基本软件模型,从93年建立以来,为Windows平台的推广和发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而且其自身还在不断发展。但是要真正开发COM组件并不是很轻松,在Visual C++中,我们既可以使用MFC也可以使用ATL。MFC完全面向Windows应用,它用C++的封装技术建立了一套适合于开发Windows应用的C++类库,虽然在后期的版本中MFC提供了大量的COM支持,但是从基本的设计结构上讲,MFC不适合
- 五子棋是一种受大众广泛喜爱的游戏,其规则简单,变化多端,非常富有趣味性和消遣性。这里设计和实现了一个人机对下的五子棋程序,采用了博弈树的方法,应用了剪枝和最大最小树原理进行搜索发现最好的下子位置。介绍五子棋程序的数据结构、评分规则、胜负判断方法和搜索算法过程-331 is a widely loved by the public of the game, its rules simple and changeable, very rich and interesting recreational
- VC++中调用word的二次开发接口进行word表格的填写。这样就不用自己实现表格而直接利用word的功能。 -VC Calling word in the secondary development interface for word to fill in the forms. This achievement would not have to form its own direct use of the word functional.
- 利用ActiveX控件设计的仪表盘,可以设置仪表精度,量程范围-use ActiveX controls designed dashboard, can set precision instrument, its range
- 一个很好用的扫描仪控件,能自动识别是否支持高速扫描,可以自己设置清度和光亮度-a good use of scanner controls, can automatically identify whether to support high-speed scanning, it set up its own money and the degree of brightness, etc.
- 控件的字体可以根据自己的喜好,来定义,本程序主要方便用户改变控件字体-can control the font according to its own preferences, to define the procedures for major changes in user-friendly controls fonts
- 字体的使用是ActiveX控件制作过程中不可缺少的部分。本文将深入浅出地介绍在ActiveX控件中制作过程中如何使用字体。本文所提及的ActiveX控件制作是指利用VC++6.0的MFC ActiveX ControlWizard 工具,用其它方法制作 ActiveX 控件本文不作讨论。 本文专门设置了一些例程,以便您能够更好地掌握这些内容。这些例程都是完整的ActiveX控件制作源代码。为了突出重点,本文仅对字体使用相关部分的源代码作较详细的介绍,其余部分的代码本文不作过多讨论。-fo
- its my database design for my examination it is about a tourist web s database.i hope it can help you in learn the database design.-its my database design for my examination i t is about a tourist's web database.i hope it can h elp you learn i
- 利用NetAnts1.10版里增加的COM接口,在自己的程序中实现对NetAnts的控制-use NetAnts1.10 boards to increase the COM interface, in its own procedures to achieve the control Zabriskie
- A new heuristic algorithm-ant colony optimization and its basical theory are introduced in this article to solve the complicated and optimized questions.This method simulates the course of ant searching food to solve this kind of questions.It has the
- This sample program loads an image and plots the graph of its horizontal or vertical projection The Document contains an image and a projection vector. When the Open command is sued, the image is loaded from a file. Then, a projection along a r
VC++ ATL为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件
- 介绍一种使用VC++ ATL(Active Template Library),利用IDTExtensibility2接口,为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件(addin),加入工具栏按钮和菜单等可视部件,并为其加入响应事件的方法,并在最后简单说明了实现与Office宏混合编程的方法-A VC ATL (Active Template Library), using IDTExtensibility2 interface for Microsoft Word function
- COM技术及其分布式应用,这上一个典例,好东东应该共享-Distributed COM technology and its application, which on a typical example, should be shared good Dongdong
- 用VB开发的程序,可以调用Autocad程序,并能对其菜单进行编辑。-VB the program can call Autocad procedures, and its menu can be edited.
- 屏幕旋转控件及其源码,打开里面有详细介绍,希望能和大家多多交流-Screen rotation control and its source code, open the inside details, hoping to interact more with everyone