- Writes an audio stream to a WAV file. It takes a single audio stream as input, and its output pin must be connected to the File Writer filter. This sample filter is based on the CTransformFilter class.
- directX手册 所有的文档都是Word文档转过来的,目前,手册中只有DirectDraw部分,它的内容都是从DirectX 5.0 SDK 中翻译过来的-all the documents are in turn Word documents, at present, only manual part DirectDraw, its contents are from the DirectX 5.0 SDK were a literal translation
- 使用DShow同时进行视频预览和捕捉,欢迎大家使用并提出意见174462510-DShow also use video preview and capture, Everyone is welcome to use it and submit its views 174462510
- vb写的基于DrirxtX的3D 程序的 例子 很不错的,适合初学者哦 下下来自己看吧!-vb was based DrirxtX 3D program examples were quite good. for beginners, oh down under its own exciting!
- Complete directshow for real job, mpeg1 filter.you will never find a project like this good.Its a hard work for me. 1.async filter 2.mpeg1 splitter 3.mpeg1/2 video filter 4.mpeg1/2 audio filter 5.ac3 filter by Jesse Stone, Taiwan. a
- vc游戏 这是《学VC、编游戏》的第十个示例在这一章,我们使用了以下知识、技术。1.对象的新属性:生命值、攻击力。2.对象生命值的显示。3.打斗时生命值的改变。4.在场景中添加物品。-vc game is the "study VC, part game," the 10th examples in this chapter, we use the following knowledge and technology. 1. The new object attributes
- 这是《学VC、编游戏》的第十个示例在这一章,我们使用了以下知识、技术。1.对象的新属性:生命值、攻击力。2.对象生命值的显示。3.打斗时生命值的改变。4.在场景中添加物品。-This is the "study VC, part game," the 10th examples in this chapter, we use the following knowledge and technology. 1. The new object attributes : the v
- 这是《学VC、编游戏》的第十个示例在这一章,我们使用了以下知识、技术。1.对象的新属性:生命值、攻击力。2.对象生命值的显示。3.打斗时生命值的改变。4.在场景中添加物品。-This is the "study VC, part game," the 10th examples in this chapter, we use the following knowledge and technology. 1. The new object attributes : the v
- 这是DirectShow务实精选及代码,它的作用,你用过就知道了,This is a pragmatic selection and DirectShow code, its role, you used to know
- FilterImageGrabber:即时抓图的Filter。这是一个Trans-In-Place Filter,Filter注册名为“HQ Image Grabber”,仅支持RGB32/24/565/555四种媒体类型, 将其接入到Filter链路之后,可以抓取任何一个经过该Filter的Sample。 AVCap: 音视频采集演示程序。支持AGP/PCI/USB等各种接口的采集卡,支持 数码摄像机输入,实现即时抓图,边预览边采集,支持热插拔等等。 打开AVC
- 此程序利用DirectSound7实现声音采集并显示其波形,优点是代码很简单,缺点是比较耗CPU,应为每次采集都需要清空Buffer。有需要的看看吧,改进一下应该会比较好用。-DirectSound7 use this procedure to achieve the sound collection and display its waveform, the advantages of the code is very simple, the disadvantage of comparing
Inside Direct3D
- As Windows"R" becomes a widely accepted platform for popular games, its 3D class libraries continue to gain in popularity with developers. INSIDE DIRECT3D"R" provides the lowdown on Direct3D from a respected writer with solid conn
- 一个D3D的场景漫游程序,使用DX9自带的TEXTURE实例拓展而来,结构简单,适合初学者上手用。包含自己写的OBJ模型文件读取类,以及自制的简易摄像机类。-A D3D scene roaming procedures, examples of the use of DX9 native TEXTURE expand from simple structure, suitable for beginners get started with. Contains its own writing O
- 学习DirectX的优秀入门书籍,虽然使用DirectX8.1,但是对于很多概念的阐释都比较清晰和透彻。-For beginner to kick into D3D world,althought its not support for new shader2.0,it always a good choice.
- MatlabX库为VB,VC,Delphi提供程序包接口,支持数学运算、功能强大线性代数、图形处理等功能和部分神经网络等功能,用于扩展 MATLAB 的功能和运行速度,可以作为独立的工具使用,支持生成自己的独立运行程序,不要求客户电脑装有matlab。 (可以另外加功能) 在VB,VC,Delphi中使用该数学工具包可避免重复性劳动,从而减少开发人员实现算法和界面设计的困难,可大大提高开发效率,对于解决工程问题是十分有意义的。MatlabX就是一个小的matlab -MatlabX li
- PLM程序设计语言及其应用,intel的一种高级语言,plm/96-PLM and its application programming language, intel as a high-level language, plm/96
- The DirectShow WavDes filter writes an audio stream to a WAV file. It takes a single audio stream as input, and its output pin must be connected to the File Writer filter. This sample filter is based on the CTransformFilter class.
- This sample demonstrates how to respond to the app s window // getting resized by resizing the front and back buffers of // the Direct3D device to match it. If you don t do this, // Direct3D will be forced to perform a stretch blit when the
- DirectDraw 中文手册。DirectX 编程爱好者被其帮助文档中的英文所苦,于是民间有不少的爱好者开始自己翻译其手册为中文,然后放在网上让大家共享.然而,由于缺乏组织,很多人都在做着重复的工作,结果浪费了很多的时间和精力.如果把这些自发的力量组织起来,无疑是件很有意义的事.而实现跨地域的组织工作,正是 Internet 的特长.因此我们决定在国际互联网上建立一个站点来专门进行 DirectX 手册的翻译组织工作,然后把翻译过的作品放在我们的主页上让每一个需要的人都可以得到.-Direct
- its an hand detection code written using opencv lib in vc++ its simple having 3 windows of different color scale