- 全国交通咨询模拟 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求。例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中转次数最少。编制一个全国城市间的交通咨询程序,为旅客提供两种或三种最优决策的交通咨询。 1.需求分析: (1)提供对城市信息进行编辑(如添加或删除)的功能。 (2)城市之间有两种交通工具:火车和飞机。提供对列车时刻表和飞机航班进行编辑(增设或删除)的功能。 (3)提供两种最优决策:最快到达或最省钱到达。全程只考虑一种交
- FTP服务程序,实现了FTP的基本功能,如login,cd,list等-FTP service procedures, the FTP achieve the basic functions, such as login, cd, list, etc.
- 各位充满热情的传世玩家,你们好。谢谢这么多天来,你们的支持。特别要感谢那些无偿 提供全技能帐号来给我们研究官方技能封包的热心朋友,还有那些不断完善淡抹夕阳数据的热心 玩家。同时也感谢各位淡抹夕阳联盟的网站或者论坛的站长和热心成员为淡抹夕阳淡抹夕阳的完 善作出的重大贡献。还有,就是要感谢网游基地各位朋友无私的帮助那些遇到困难的淡抹夕阳使 用者。-passion to the masterpieces of players, you good. Thank y
- 一个用JAVA写的FTP客户端程序。功能强大不仅支持FTP,还支持其它协议如SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP等。在传输文件的同时还可以浏览FTP服务器上的资源,也可以浏览局域网上的Windows共享资源等-a written using Java FTP client program. Not only powerful FTP support, but also support other protocols such as SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and so o
- MyFtpServ测试版,用C++写的,VC环境运行,可以作为参考-MyFtpServ test version, written in C, VC operation, can be used as reference
- TFTPUtil ReadMe For additions, changes, and fixes please see the ChangeLog License information detailed in License.txt TFPTUtil is an open source TFTP server written in C#. http://sourceforge.net/projects/tftputil Latest version
- 包括MyFtpServer程序,附带ftp客户端程序,VC源代码。-including MyFtpServer program,as well as ftp client program,source code in VC.
- 一个在unix下用c语言实现tftp(简单文件传输协议)的源码 包括服务器端和客户端-source code of a tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) written in c language under unix circumstance,including server program as well as client program
- 利用VC开发的FTP服务器完整程序,功能强大,自主建立用户账号,还有安全设置、系统日志等功能。-FTP server using VC developed a complete program, powerful, self-build user accounts, as well as security settings, system logs and other functions.
- c语言写的ftp服务器,实现了大部分功能,如上传下载等-c language of ftp servers, implementation of most functions, such as uploading and downloading, etc.
- vc++ 开发的轻量级FTP服务器程序,作为进出vc大门的引导程序。-vc++ developed a lightweight FTP server program, as the door out of vc bootloader.
- 这是一个ftp服务器服务器端的C#源码,改改就能用-this is a ftp server writen by Csharp.you can change it as your like。and it is easy
FTP Server
- This is an ecapsulation of the ICS - Internet Component Suite. ICS can be found at : http://users.swing.be/francois.piette/indexuk.htm Please take the time to look at the code and learn something. If you're a Dephi Pro, you can probably give me some
- 遍历磁盘文件,经目录名称存为txt 并上传到指定的ftp 服务器中,严禁用于盗取用户磁盘文件信息,造成的后果,本人不承担。(Traverse the disk file, saved by directory name as TXT, and uploaded to the specified FTP server, strictly prohibited for stealing user disk file information, the consequences, I do not be