- 一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、eMule、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告。其官方
- 大名鼎鼎的shareaza.源代码,使用vc开发,可以同时穿透edonky等网络下载类型,还支持http下载.-famous shareaza sourc code, developed with VC, can pass network download type, such as eDonkey etc, as well as supporting http download.
- C# udp的消息传输,具有象QQ一样消息提示功能,可以进行多个客户段的消息发送. 使用C#进行的编程.-C# udp information transmission, QQ with the same information as suggested, will feature a number of customers of the messaging. Use the C# programming.
- 采用P2P的技术建立流媒体广播,可以很大程度节省服务器的带宽消耗。先建立一个流媒体服务器,可以采用WINDOWS2003自带的media server,生成一个信号源。P2P流媒体广播的服务端从流媒体服务器提取一个流作为源,这个源必须是用http协议来提取的,然后再由P2P服务端分发到各个P2P客户端.服务端与客户端的例子程序-using the technology to establish peer-to-peer streaming media broadcasts, can save a
- P2p_feedback 对等网络的网络结构-P2p_feedback networks such as the right network structure
- Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软件。它拥有搜寻与下载档案速度飞快、自设代理服务器、自订聊天社群、内建多媒体播放器、内建浏览器以及自订媒体柜等等功能。它支持的档案格式非常众多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等都下载得到。 Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio,
- Shareaza_2.2.3.0_source Shareaza是一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具!-Shareaza_2.2.3.0_source Share
- Shareaza 最新开源代码。一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具!-Shareaza latest revenue code. A highly evaluated
- 在Windows下采用RTC进行通信的源代码,可作为服务等多种方式交互。-used in Windows RTC communications source code, as a variety of services such as interactive way.
- 用Visual C#实现局域网点对点通讯,在网络中利用此通讯程序进行与任一计算机的通讯-with Visual C# LAN peer-to-peer communications, in the network using the procedures and communications as a computer communications
- A simple C program called kazabye.c, which will attach to any port passed as a command line argument, (it defaults to 1214) and will tell a KaZaA client that the server is down and will be down for a week of R and R. This causes the remote KaZaA clie
- PIAX是一个开发p2p应用程序的框架。PIAX is a framework to develop P2P based applications. It integrates mobile agent based messagings and P2P discovery mechanisms. As a P2P framework, it supports multiple overlays. Currently, DHT, SkipGraph, LL-Net are supported.
- Live Help is a multi-user, multi-operator, multi-department live Help support chat system that allows the operators of the websites to monitor their visitors as they are browsing the site and proactively open a chat session with the visitor. Featur
- This BT client incorporates the codebase of the official version as well as all the improvements of the experimental version, below. Additionally, there are some misc. bug fixes, improvements from the latest development CVS sources, a user preference
- This an BT alternative to the official client. It supports extra functionality such as multiple downloads from a single GUI. Some people have experienced major bugs with this program, so consider it unstable and use a different client unless you want
- Provides rich background information to beginners entering this subject area. The diagrams are clear-cut, as are the snippets of codes. There are hardly any errors throughout the book. covers a broad and coherent range of distributed-computing techni
- 自已修改于eMuleBT,网上找到的大部分都无法合成使用,本人已编译为DLL,并带有源代码,方便调用。并且其改为了一个BT式的电影更新程序。还有很多改进的地方请一一体验~!,Their own modifications on eMuleBT, the Internet can not be found in most synthetic use, I have compiled as a DLL, with the source code to facilitate the call. And
- p2p的视频通信源代码,用c#开发,可以作为学习的好资料,p2p video communications source code, with c# development, can serve as a good learning information
- P2Framework是一个开源项目。这是一个高效率的平台,使分布式系统的开发变得更加容易。通过这一平台,你可以忘记许多烦恼和琐碎的事情在分布式系统的开发(如NAT /防火墙穿越,的UDP / TCP协议的交换机等) 。 主要的重点是在这个框架内,以减轻P2P的连接建立,数据和信息传输。与P2Framework ,开发商不需要照顾NAT穿越,防火墙/代理问题,可靠性的UDP和TCP短期发送/接收的问题(等)的点对点环境。例如,可能同行后面的NAT或使用HTTP代理上网。另一个例子是,开发商可
- 利用java 来实现P2P协议,联网实现,客户端与服务端得通信,只要模拟-Use java to implement P2P protocols, network implementation, client and server have to communicate, as long as the simulation QQ