- javaICQ 服务器端源码,用java程序构建,与javaICQ客户端共同组成TCP与UDP共存的即时通讯系统. 以下是关于客户端的介绍: jICQ(javaICQ) 是一个用java技术开发出的图形用户届面的即时通讯工具,他吸收了java的平台无关性,以至于可以运行于任何java环境。-javaICQ server source code, using java procedures Construction, javaICQ with client TCP and UDP compone
- 一个用VB.net编写的网络聊天程序,很简单,但想法很好,唯一欠缺的是,他只能传英文 传中文会变乱码,不知哪位网友能帮我解决-VB.net prepared with a network chat program, which is very simple, but the idea is very good, not only is that he could send English-Chinese become gibberish, I wonder who can help resolv
- 他是一个比较好G.729的网络聊天工具,大家可以好好的研究研究!~-he is a better G.729 network chat tools, we can study a good look! ~
- 这个东西不是我写的。但是我想在这共享这个东西,因为他可以屏蔽QQ界面上的广告,都可以屏蔽什么呢?去你的//tencent/AD下看看就知道了,实在最不住腾讯-this not what I wrote. However, I would like to share this stuff because he can shield QQ interface advertising, what can be shielded? Damn you / / Tencent / AD will know
- 一个与QQ功能相当的软件,他能在内部网上建立个人主页等-QQ functions with a considerable software, he would be able to establish internal online personal home page.
- 局域网内聊天室,输入对方IP就可以和他聊天-LAN chat room, enter the IP on the other side and he can chat
- This Project Entitled as ‘INTRANET CHATTING’ is used basically for chatting purpose with the remote clients or users on Internet or local networks. Here in this project a java client / server combination is used to chat with remote users. When a Cli
- 在网络越来越发达的今天,人们对网络的依赖越来越多,越来越离不开网络,由此而产生的聊天工具越来越多,类似QQ、网络聊天时一类的聊天系统的发展日新月异。但是,QQ等现有的聊天程序也存在着很大的问题。 比如,在使用QQ的时候,就对他发的各种“广告”深恶痛绝。对于登陆后时不时弹出的打扰窗口,很是厌烦。因此产生了一个制作类似QQ的网络聊天工具并且“无垃圾信息”洁净聊天工具的想法,而且希望通过制作该程序还能更好的学习网络软件编程知识。 -Today, more and more developed
- 一款拥有漂亮界面的IM工具,同时支持*信息功能,设置网络链接功能,受到信息改变图标的功能,更重要的是,他还是有很多注释的-IM has a nice interface, tools, support mass messaging, set up the network link feature, change the icon by the information function, more importantly, he still has a lot of comments! ! !