- 本文作者从1997年开始跟踪研究GE的管理模式,1999年访问了GE美国总部;随后,在 99《财富》论坛上海年会上,他又现场聆听了韦尔奇先生的一席发言。这一切促使他把自己对GE及韦尔奇的许多理解撰写成文,以期对正在走向世界、冲刺“财富500强”的中国企业家们有所启示。-author of this article from the 1997 study began tracking the GE management model, in 1999 the United States visite
Software Testing
- Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready fo
- 以前看了很多文档,知道Windows CE的串口如何操作,但是由于从来没有想过要用串口,也没有实际的作过。昨天有人需要用我们的开发板,而他们主要就是要用串口,我就写了一个程序,用来测试串口是否工作。记录下来,作为以后串口通信程序的起点-before seen a lot of documents, Windows CE know how to operate the serial, But he never thought to use serial port, nor the actual m
- This application note describes a method for developing block-oriented I/O device drivers for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real-time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instruments TMS320C5402 a
- Wavelets have widely been used in many signal and image processing applications. In this paper, a new serial-parallel architecture for wavelet-based image compression is introduced. It is based on a 4-tap wavelet transform, which is realised usin
- 这一个成功演讲者的经验,他将教会你如何成功的去除演讲的紧张感,并使你成功。-this a successful lecture on the experience, he will succeed the church you how to remove the speech tensions and make you successful.
- Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used to aid in the design and creation of video games. It attempts to bring game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can under
- 按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来,就是cairo是一个支持多种输出的向量图形库。 具体解释一下,也就是说,cairo是种画图的工具库,他可以向多种设备上画图,比如: cairo可以输出到png,可以输出到pdf,可以输出到ps,可以输出到xlib,可以输出到XCB,可以输出到win32,以后还要输出到svg 我们可以展望一下,如果cair
- Excel是微软公司办公自动化套件中的一个软件,他主要是用来处理电子表格。Excel以其功能强大,界面友好等受到了许多用户的欢迎。在设计应用系统时,对于不同的用户,他们对于打印的需求是不一样的,如果要使得程序中的打印功能适用于每一个用户,可以想象程序设计是十分复杂的。由于Excel表格的功能强大,又由于几乎每一台机器都安装了它,如果把程序处理的结果放到Excel表格中,这样每一个用户就可以根据自己的需要在Excel中定制自己的打印。这样不仅使得程序设计简单,而且又满足了诸多用户的要求,更加实用了
- Introduction to Process Improvement and theCapability Maturity Model (CMM)软件CMM认证的介绍-Introduction to Process Improvement and t he Capability Maturity Model (CMM) certification of CMM software introduced
- 《软件工程思想》讲述“软件开发”和“做程序员”的道理,视野独特,构思新颖,内容风趣,不落窠臼,令人耳目一新。堪称难得,以至回味无穷。 作者从事了八年的软件开发工作,在他的博士学位论文完成之际写下了这本“心之所感”。虽然它探讨的是软件工程最常见的内容,但他将亲身所历的感悟写成活泼生动的文字,将软件工程的很多原则和方法融于笑谈之中,让人看得轻松,时有共鸣。尽管很薄,然其内涵不逊于厚近千页的有关教科书 -"software engineering thinking" abo
- A method is presented for augmenting an extended Kalman filter with an adaptive element. The resulting estimator provides robustness to parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics.-A method is presented for augmenting an ext Kalman ended with
- Text processing often involves matching text against a pattern. Although Java s character and assorted string classes offerlow- levelpattern- matching support, that support commonly leads to complex code. To help you write simplerpattern- matching co
- Fixed point HE-AAC Decoder
- mo phong cac he thong vo tuyen
- Nguyen ly he dieu hanh
- 根据离散点拟合椭圆,很容易且方便使用,有较强通用性-NI HE TUO YUAN
- 复合型法求最优解,已经试验过的,没有问题。-fu he xing fa
- He thong dieu khien nhiet do. giao tiep VDK 89C51 voi may tinh PC. phan mem PC viet bang ngon ngu VB6.
- He thong do va dieu khien CN