- 汉明码的编程仿真,在网上找的,自己现在也在找这方面的内容,希望对需要的人有用-Hamming Code Simulation programming online to find that he is also looking for such content, in the hope that those who need it useful
- 7z313儿童瓦尔特维尔人特温柔特让他而他也容易认定一-7z313 special tenderness for children who瓦尔特维尔special let him and he easily finds a
- mot file rat hay ve vien thong, upload choi de duoc down thoi. he he
- mot file rat hay ve vien thong, upload choi de duoc down thoi. he he
- 他是关于C++是非常好的文章非常好的关于通信的-He is on the C++ is very good very good article on the communication
- mo phong cac he thong vo tuyen
- 南京工程学院通信工程专业MAC的课程设计。-he MAC of Nanjing Institute of Communications Engineering curriculum design.
- When a user in the ad-hoc network sends a packet, he expects it´ s neighbours to forward it, and when not, a node is possibly.
- Thong tin he thong vien thong
- 实现数学中同类项的相加,等高次幂实现相加-failed to translate
- he quality of service (QoS) refers to several related aspects of telephony and computer networks that allow the transport of traffic with special requirements. In particular, much technology has been developed to allow computer networks to become as
- he quality of service (QoS) refers to several related aspects of telephony and computer networks that allow the transport of traffic with special requirements. In particular, much technology has been developed to allow computer networks to become as
- 一本好书,自己总结了12864液晶的各项指令,需要时翻阅就是-A good book, he summed up all the 12864 instruction is needed to read
- 包含:c语言编程宝典.chm,C++嵌入式系统编程.pdf(c与c++嵌入式系统编程.pdf),谭浩强C语言教程补强版.chm 这些资料都是从网上找来的,很抱歉里面有一个文件是重发的,自己没有权限修改!-Contains: c language programming book. Chm, C++ embedded systems programming. Pdf (c and c++ embedded systems programming. Pdf), Hao C-language te
- The recognition of noise as a source of annoyance began in antiquity, but therelationship, sometimes subtle, that may exist between noise and money seems to be a development of more recent times. For example, the manager of a large wind tunnel once t
- Modulation and Demodulation OFDM in matlab
- 摘 要: 论文提出了一种适用于城市场景下的基于竞争转发的车载 A d h o e网络路 由算法, 算法摒弃了 H E L L O 消息的使用, 利用分布式的竞争策略根据邻居节点所处的地理位置信息进行下一跳节点的选择. 数据转发使用选定点 路由同时利用了实时的道路交通信息和网络拓扑结构信息进行选定点选择. 采取暂存转发策略处理网络分割现象. 仿 真结果表明该算法比其他类似算法具有更高的数据包递交率和较低的数据延迟 .-Ab s t r a c t : A c o n t e
- 基于改进的局部二值拟合主动轮廓模型的指静脉图像分割-he improved local two value fitting active contour model for finger vein image segmentation
- T7te Foundations of the Science of War is a compilation of material presented by Fuller when he was chief instructor, Staff College, Camberley. Dating 1926, it is the culmination of his theoretical writings and an early attempt to fit mechaniza
- 高精度GPS同步研究文献很好的参考,实际工程可参考次方法-GPS T he schem e of synch ronized samp ling unit based on GPS is introduced b riefly in the first p art. T hen th is p ap er p ropo ses in detail the softw are and hardw are m ethods to lessen and elim inate jamm ing o