- 《基于symbian os 的手机开发与应用》 源代码 何伟 著-"symbian os based on the development and application of mobile phones," with the source code HE
- 美河提供.智能手机操作系统编程Symbian及60系列.rar-He provided the United States. Symbian smartphone operating system programming and 60 series. Rar
- 诺基亚Widget的入门例子。这是一个可以允许用户获得他旅游时的位置信息的例子。-This Web widget application allows the user to track the route he or she has travelled. The application demonstrates the usage of the Location Service API for S60 Web Runtime for retrieving the current lo
- symbian下的一个比较完善的api封装,我主要是用了网络部分。其实他还包括assert 日志 线程 字符处理 等等。-symbian under the api a more comprehensive package, I spent part of the network. In fact, he also assert the log processing thread, etc. characters.
- Twm Davies describes the code he wrote to accurately import and export HTML to and from Symbian Rich Text format. The DLL source code, plus S60 and UIQ test applications, are available for download too!
- wxSymbian development by Jordan Langholz started working on it. However he couldn t be joined since more than a year so the development is stalled. We only have the latest available snapshot of his work.