黑白棋游戏源代码 v1
- 这是一个黑白棋的小游戏。里面有初级中级高级三个级别的棋力选择。算法采用了自己编写的全盘搜索的经验积分算法,速度很快,棋力不是非常强。本游戏还可以自动演示,自动重温棋局,保存棋局,还有英雄榜。界面精美!-This is a small game reversi. There are three primary Intermediate High-level chess choice. The algorithm used to prepare ourselves to the full searc
- 一个用C#编写的黑白棋游戏,提供全部源代码。 完整的图形界面,支持网络对战,运行稳定可靠。 -a C# prepared reversi games, full source code. Complete graphical interface, support network connections, stable and reliable operation.
- 完全利用VB,不使用任何控件建立的一个扑克牌游戏!-full use VB, not the use of any controls established by a card game!
- 最最好玩的五子棋,功能全,界面我超喜欢.可悔棋,换方.人机对下, 人人对下皆可.可以保存棋局,以便继续苦战.机器是成长的,分为五个时期.我现在还在第三个时期混呢.代码先不说,爱玩五子棋的一定不要错过啊-extremely fun 331, a full-featured, I-like interface. Can be deduced that the replacement. Man-machine right, right under everyone can. game can be s
- 用TC写的俄罗斯方块,通过软时钟使之自动下落,对C语言运用充分,适合初学者-TC wrote of the Russian box, a soft-clock so that it automatically whereabouts of the full C language, for beginners
- 用tc2.0编的一个超千行的程序,仿Windows界面,全鼠标操作,集成五子棋和黑白棋两种棋类,黑白棋有双人、人机两种模式,绝对值得一看!-tc2.0 series with a 1000-line procedures, fake Windows interface, full mouse operation, integration and reversi two 331 chess, reversi a double, two models of plane, shot entirely!
- 这是一个黑白棋的小游戏。里面有初级中级高级三个级别的棋力选择。算法采用了自己编写的全盘搜索的经验积分算法,速度很快,棋力不是非常强。-This is a small game reversi. There are three primary Intermediate High-level chess choice. The algorithm used to prepare ourselves to the full search algorithm integration experience
- 完全利用VB,不使用任何控件建立的一个扑克牌游戏-full use VB, not use any of the controls established a poker game
- ***KoreEasy Pro 内部释出版 - 仙境传说 Online*** 发布日期:未知 Ares.dll版本:2.11.4500 GM模块版本:2006.05.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一、发布说明 1) 本软件承诺不会带有故意危害游戏服务器的代码,但如果是您自己恶意使用导致的后果,由您自己承担。
- 游戏中国象棋源完整源代码,一个VC学习入门和学习游戏开发的小软件-Chinese chess game full source code, a VC learning portal and learning games developed by small software
- 斗地主游戏,自己开发的源码,集齐大厅房间和全部的功能-Landlords game, develop their own source code, assembly of the hall room and full function
- Android开发的中国象棋源代码 支持人机对战 功能完整,界面也比较美观 共参考使用-Chinese chess source code of Android developers to support human-computer play against a full-featured interface is also more beautiful and a total of reference
- 俄罗斯方块的c程序全部源代码,其中包括了详尽的注释说明,可在各种c编译器中编译执行-Russian box full of c program source code, including a detailed explanatory notes can be in a variety of c compiler in the compiler implementation
- 用java编写的功能相当齐全的俄罗斯方块,包括几个java file和一个可执行文件,已打包-Using java prepared quite a full range of the Russian box, including a number of java file and an executable file has been packaged
- 这是 用 c# 编写的俄罗斯方块的全部过程。-This is a c# Prepared the full course of the Russian box.
- The last few days have found me very restless. This evening as I sat in the yard to enjoy the cool, it struck me how different the lotus pool I pass every day must look under a full moon. The moon was sailing higher and higher up the heavens, the sou
- 中国象棋游戏C++版,非常有意思!你可以自动改造,提供全部源码.-Chinese Chess Game C++ version, very interesting! You can automatically transform to provide the full source code.
- 功能完整的中国象棋,具有完整的走棋规则,能实现悔棋功能,能保存与读取残局,另外还做了一个软件封面。代码都配有详尽的注释, 适合初学者作为入门实例。-Full-featured Chinese chess, go with a complete game rules, to retract a false move in a chess game, can save and read the pieces, also made the cover of a software. Code wit
- 此为网络五子棋功能齐全有人机对亦人人对亦网络对战等很多功能界面友好-This is a full-featured network Gobang plane was also to have everyone on the network against a lot of features such as user-friendly
- 该游戏为跳棋游戏功能齐全好玩容易懂可作为大家参考-Checkers game for the game full-featured fun easy to understand can be used as reference