- Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system. -Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer onl produced mostly in developed areas adventures game (MMORPG) developed using t he A
- PSP上最好的GBA模拟器源码,可以在较低平台上全速运行GBA游戏,十分好用-PSP best GBA simulator source code, the lower platform at full speed running GBA games, very handy
- 利用HeightMap实现高低地形图 ,全屏显示 ,编译环境VC8.0-use HeightMap achieve level topographic maps, full-screen, the compiler environment VC8.0
- Open-source, cross-platform 3D rendering engine for .NET. The Axiom Engine is a high-performance C# port of the powerful OGRE engine. Its flexible component-oriented architecture allows easy extension and provides full support for both DirectX and Op
- 很好的引擎!HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create
- 真正C实现的LUA协程coroutine Coco -- True C coroutines for Lua --- --- --- --- Coco is a small extension to get True C Coroutine semantics for Lua 5.1. Homepage: http://luajit.org/coco.html Coco is Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Mike Pall. Coco i
- 翎风引擎的完整源代码,中国最有影响力的传奇引擎,占领了95 以上的市场。退出传奇界后,源代码泄露。现在几个主流引擎都是用此源代码开发的。这是完整版。-Ling wind engines complete source code, the legend of China' s most influential engine, occupied more than 95 of the market. Exit Legend sector, the source code leak. Now sev
- 在QuakeCon 2005大会上,John Carmack曾表示,《Quake 3》源代码将在近期发布,任何有兴趣的人都可以下载。 现在,id Software兑现了自己的诺言:《Quake 3 Arena》完整源代码1.32b版(Quake 3 Arena Full Source Code v1.32b)已经公 布,包括完整的游戏源代码、各种编译工具和Q3Radiant地图编辑器build 200f,大小为22.4MB(压缩包大小5.46MB)。 用VC++2003,打开工程后直接
- 淡抹夕阳服务端加工具全套代码(传世引擎)..从代码看出,先期框架设计很下功夫.游戏所有功能都写了相关类(只是一大堆空白函数)....不过似乎编程风格不太严谨.没有代码缩进,注释也不太规范..... 居然还发现了当初设计时尚未取消的断点. ,Sunset淡抹server code plus a full set of tools (handed down engine) .. from the code that is very hard pre-frame design. The game
- 天方夜谭服务端源代码加服务端,完整可编译。大家玩玩,这个源码很难找。游戏还是不错的。很Q。-Arabian Nights server source code plus the server, full can be compiled. We have fun, and the source hard to find. The game is good. Is Q.
- MirYQ打造专业的传奇引擎,采用最新的D3D引擎技术, 重新编写客户端内核,支持硬件加速渲染模式,纹理压缩等最新技术, 内存CPU占用低,执行效率高,游戏更加流畅。支持16位,32位真彩色 全面支持1.76、1.85、英雄版本、传奇续章、传奇归来、传奇外传。 登录器支持窗口化,支持800*600、1024*768、900 * 600三种分辨率。 主引擎去掉了注册信息,源码Delphi2007编译通过,配套2010年的CQFIR网关即可使用。-MirYQ legendary
- luna(露娜)完整源代码,Vs2003编译,亲测可以完整编译的代码-luna (Luna) full source code, Vs2003 compile a complete pro-compiled code can be measured
- 使用 HGE 游戏引擎编写的俄罗斯方块 基本将HGE游戏引擎中的效果全部实现-The use of HGE Tetris game engine written in the basic game engine will be the effect of HGE full realization of
- JX_Source_Code Sources zbuf fer.rar-JX_Source_CodeS ourceszb uffer.rar
- 龙族1.3的数据库引擎程序,全名为DBDemon。本人亲测无措,正常编译。-Dragon 1.3 database engine program, full name DBDemon. I pro-test flawless, the normal compile.
- 来自E语言的传奇全套源码,供大家分享。大家不要嫌弃啊-E language from the legendary full source code for all to share. Please do not hold anything against ah
- 连连看。小游戏。电脑游戏。可在windows系统上面都可以运行。但wince。不行。-Lianliankan. Game. Computer games. In windows system above can be run. But wince. Not.
uc266 乐都全套源代码
- Mir5.Net论坛提供“乐都引擎全套源代码” 包括DB版引擎源代码和SQL版引擎源代码 还有zhaosf.com的万能登录器源代码 都是乐都当初的精品!! -Music have a full set of source code Mir5.Net Forum " Music is a full set of source code engine" includes DB engine version of SQL source code and
- 一款优秀的开源FC模拟器——VirtualNES,这是v0.97版的源代码文件,对学习有参考价值。-A good open source FC simulator- VirtualNES, this is the v0.97 version of the source code files, useful for learning.