- A.E.C in a single room
- AMR speech encoder and decoder ETSI Release 7.4.0-AMR speech encoder and decoder ETSI Releas e 7.4.0
- 《音量控制封装类》 最近总是遇到调音量和选择录音通道方面的程序,我从网上下载了一个音量控制类,但在不同的操作系统有时会出错,我修改了 里面的错误,重新封装成dll类,并提供详细的测试程序。没什么技术只是为了方便使用。 不过这个类在某些操作系统上对录音通道选择时还是会出问题,比如明明是选择\"Mono\"录音通道,可他却选到其他通道了, 我用了DirectX自带的例子程序也不能正确选到想要的录音通道,不知道如何能准确地选择需要的录音通道,若有高手知道请不吝 赐教,我的E-M
- this model that uses HMM algorithm.I hope it would help you deal with face recognition.-this model that uses HMM algorithm.I hop e it would help you deal with face recognition.
- calculating the binaural cross-correlogram of a sound. The toolbox incorporates functions for: signal generation (e.g., bandpass noise, pure tone, complex tone, Huggins pitch) plotting and playing of signals calculation & post-processing of
- This paper is used in speech enhancement based on wavlet.
- 该软件用E语言开发出来,借用网页方式合成语音并最快下载存储的语音文件.确为快捷,有需要的朋友可以一试,内有编译好的文件.呵,傻瓜式操作.开源代码.
- Wavecome模块工业版升级软件,适合各种vecome模块升级固件。,Wavecome industrial version of the upgrade software module, suitable for a variety of vecome module firmware upgrades.
- This a project File for PESQ algorithm. I made a VC++ file. All codes are verified through test pattern.-This is a project File for PESQ algorithm. I made a VC++ file. All codes are verified through test pattern.
- audio codec dsp 协议栈V2.4-audio codec dsp protocol stack V2.4
- ITU G729合集,里面包括G729,G729A~I-ITU G729 Collection, which include the G729, G729A ~ I
- 很好用的media info, 可以解压ID3tag, APE tag等几乎所有audio file header-could show all audio file header e.g. ID3tag, APE tag, etc,
- i writing an free losless audio coder, faster on old 486 than flac or ape decoding on pentium 233 MHz !!! the program working, and compression ratio is equal to flac / ape ... On pentium 233 MHz flac decompress time is 26 sec of enya_.w
- 语音验证码破解技术资料(E文不行的就算了)-a document about breaking audio CAPTCHAs
- The Ethernet Speaker (ES) system presented in this paper can be thought of as a distributed audio amplifier and speakers, it does not “play” any particular format,but rather relies on off-the-shelf audio applications (e.g.,mpg123 player, Real Audio p
- SMPTE_RDD6-2008_Guide_of_Dolby-E 大家一看就明白,这个Dolby-E的标准文档.有需要的tx可以看看.-SMPTE_RDD6-2008_Guide_of_Dolby-E we see at this Dolby-E of the standard document. Tx need to look at.
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en