- This an attempt to create an application which captures Live video from a Video capture device and USB attached WebCam all together in the same application. While developing my project, I needed to capture the video from various video devices includi
- this directshow application for video editing. i wish it help you. -this directshow application for a video e diting. i wish it help you.
- This article presents a class library for capturing audio and video to AVI files in .NET. Some of the features of this library: List and select hardware devices Access to common audio and video settings (e.g. frame rate, size) Supports au
- 网络视频监控系统!程序运行在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下,可在VC++ 6.0或.NET中调试。调试前请先安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK。因为本章的程序用到DirectShow的COM,需要在程序options→directories→include files中添加“E:\\Program Files\\Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK \\Samples\\C++\\DirectShow\\BaseClasses”。
- C S->(client status) //未初始化-->data = nil //已初始化-->data = TClientInfo //正在进行交互-{请求房间信息,正在请求房间人员信息} 初始化 ---------------------------------------> <--------------------------------------结果 请求房间
- 视频采集程序-programs about video signal collection
- This article presents some classes that make customising window captions really quick and easy. Using these classes you can change the background colour and the text font and colour of both the active and inactive window captions independently for an
- 歌词转换工具,很不错,很好用,转换LRC格式的TXT文件-Lyrics conversion tools, very good, very good, and the conversion of the TXT file format LRC
- 把avi转换为bmp,默认的放置路径是e盘的新建文件夹下,所以转换前最好先在e盘下建一个新建文件夹-Avi convert to bmp, the default path is to place the new e disk folder, it is best to pre-conversion site in the e of the construction of a New Folder
- POV-Ray source code for slowing/speeding up time into animations, this is useful i.e. when one wishes to get a bullet time scene where the camera moves at normal speed and other objects slow down in order to watch them in detail, then they accelerate
- 用于手机视频转换,可以将电脑中不同的视频格式转化成手机视频3gp格式-Video conversion for mobile phones can be a different computer video formats into 3gp format for mobile video
- 8-32 kbit/s语音和视频的结构误差不稳定窄带和宽带嵌入式变数率编码-The G.718 encoder can accept wideband sampled signals at 16 kHz, or narrowband signals sampled at either 16 or 8 kHz. Similarly, the decoder output can be 16 kHz wideband, in addition to 16 or 8 kHz narrowband. I
- 基于目前视频监控系统的现状 ,提出了一个基于嵌入式系统的网络实时视频监控系统. 其服务端以 S3C 2410嵌入式平台为核心、IM E 6400及附属电路为扩展功能 ,并采用了嵌入式 L inux操作系统.-Based on the current status of video surveillance system, proposed a network based on embedded systems real-time video monitoring system. S3C 2410
- 远程视频监控系统:程序运行在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下,可在VC++ 6.0或.NET中调试。调试前请先安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK。因为本章的程序用到DirectShow的COM,需要在程序options→directories→include files中添加“E:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK \Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses”-Remote vide
- 获取摄像头视频数据和麦克风音频数据 基本步骤是首先获取视频、音频捕获设备的信息,然后再根据取得的设备信息确定设备的位置。找到设备的位置以后,调用Manager的CreatePlayer方法创建Player,当Player开始播放的时候,就开始了捕获的过程。 -Player try{ Player p = Manager.createPlayer(di.getLocator()) } catch (IOException e) { } catch (NoPlaye
- e语言获取摄像头图像并保存在本地磁盘,和c代码相比e语言代码简单学习代码简单不需要mfc基础-e language of the camera image and save to get a local disk, and c compared with e code language code simple basic learning code simply does not need mfc
- 摄像头图像识别,用于视频监控,防盗等 E语言编写,源码-Camera image recognition for video surveillance, security and other E language, source
- An Adaptable Human Vision Model for Subjective Video Quality Rating Prediction Among CIF, SD, HD and E-CINEMA. A new highly adaptable model for predicting human vision response is presented for enabling an improved method of predicting subjecti
- This the patch to add support to Solomon SSD1935 processor. This processor is used on many IP Cameras. I.e. VStarCAM H6837WI-This is the patch to add support to Solomon SSD1935 processor. This processor is used on many IP Cameras. I.e. VStarCAM H6837
- h264详细文档,让你彻底理解h264先进的视频编解码标准(encoding and decoding h264)