- 一个很不错的语言复读机 听力资料下载网址: http://www.aie.com.cn/download/english.htm http://www.impu.edu.cn/amusement/music/english/-a very good language for the hearing repetition Download website : http : / / www.aie.com.cn / download / english.htm reception
- SFS提供了计算语音本质的一系列工具。包括支持各种数据格式,信号处理和图形,频谱、共振峰分析,基频提取等等。在线文档说明请访问http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/resource/sfs/help/-SFS provides a voice calculated nature of a series of tools. Including support for various data formats, signal processing and graphics, spect
- 一系列用JAVA处理音频的例子,包括最简单的播放器,RIPCD,处理MIDI,音频文件格式的转换等等。没有用JMF,纯粹是JDK里的SOUND包的应用。每个文件中都有相关的注释。所有代码来自http://www.jsresources.org网站
- 提供对REALPLAER文件的编解码支持,播放食品文件,编译通过,能运行-REALPLAER document provides codec support for playback of food file, the compiler is passed, will be able to run
- Wav转Ogg,其中动态库是基于WWW.VORBIS.COM的源代码改写而成,需要源代码的请联系我!-Wav to Ogg, one of the dynamic libraries are based on the source code to rewrite WWW.VORBIS.COM formed, the source code required please contact me!
- 关于wav 保存,读写的源码。对于研究waveinxx, waveoutxx 的函数很有帮助,程序封装的不错,抽取有用的代码使用。原地址http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/g-m/multimedia/audio/article.php/c9305/-There are four classes in this library that can be used directly in your program
- 包含对mp3的封装,原下载地址是http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/RecordingAndMP3Encoding.aspx-Have you ever tried to write something for recording sound from the sound card and encoding it in MP3 format? Not interesting? Well, to make stuff more interesting
- taglob version 1.51 - library of classes and functions to be used in audio programs what need to read/write tag info on audio files. mp3/flac/aac/ogg all supported-taglob version 1.51- library of classes and functions to be used in audio programs wha
- 声音播放程序,可以用来录音,和播放音频文件,音频文件用BIN文件保存-Audio player can be used to record and play audio files, audio files, save the file with the BIN
- 从别的网站上下载的基于directshow技术可播放音频的代码,支持mp3和avi格式-Downloaded from other websites based on directshow technology can play an audio code, support for mp3 and avi format
- 该方案旨在简化,如播放,暂停播放声音基本波,停止和恢复。 自从我在www.mathworks.com通知少人有解决 如何停止播放 ,所以我要做到这一点,它张贴在这里波的声音。 希望你们喜欢的节目:对 编码器实现了G.723.1的多脉冲模式(在6.3 kb / s的运行)。解码器可以解码的5.3 kb / s的,在6.3 kb的多脉冲/秒,连续传输,数据包丢失隐藏)编码器(所有的ACELP方式。 该
- AutoLyrix: The open-source lyrics, artwork (AlbumArt) and SyncLyrics searcher. It auto-downloads the lyric/albumart for the song that you are listening! Supported Players: WinAmp,WMPlayer,iTunes,MediaMonkey and more! Visit: http://www.autolyrix.com
- 有1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多少? 1.程序分析:可填在百位、十位、个位的数字都是1、2、3、4。组成所有的排列后再去 掉不满足条件的排列。 -Apple- Mashable mashable.com/follow/topics/apple/- Cached Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporati
- VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Matlab语音工具,详细代码见 http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html#file-VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Matlab speech tools, detailed code, see http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff
- 播放器源码,avplayer开源项目代码。用于研究播放器。www.blog.sc提供-Player source, avplayer open source project code. For research players. www.blog.sc provided
- QT编写流媒体播放的源码。用作研究使用,对播放器进行学习。www.blog.sc提供-QT prepared streaming source. For research use, the player to learn. www.blog.sc provided
- 本身也是作为课程设计的作业而用 本文件为html5调用本地媒体文件和设备 代码东挪西凑来的,风格有点不一样,有动作层js也有jquery-you need to study Chinese first
- A Mini Mp3 player with java media framework It is recommended to install the jmf framework this link http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/download-142937.html-A Mini Mp3 player with java media framework It is recommended to in
FineAudio 1.0 by bagie
- Small audio player that uses BASS components as a sound engine. BASS components can be found at: http://un4seen.com/. They are also included in the attachment. One hilarious feature of this audio player is the "Funny LED" effect which