- 实现了定时播放音频文件,可以修改做成新形势播放器。
- 本类包是使用于ShitMP3 v1.08的内部核心类,提供如下功能:1.提取指定MP3文件ID3v1信息2.提取指定MP3文件ID3v2信息3.存储ID3v1信息给某个MP3文件4.存储ID3v2信息给某个MP3文件5.MP3文件名自动重命名6.重命名命名格式全自动生成7.大批量修改某个目录下的MP3文件名★8.最新版的ShitClass提供了对WMA文件的自定义修改功能类包包括类:CMP3.h 用户真正使用的MP3类的接口文件,提供了上述的7种功能的各种方便函数CMP3.cpp MP3类
ViPlay V3.0 播放器源代码
- viplay3是新版媒体播放viplay(www.urusoft.net),到目前为止,已封闭源但现在它已成为开放源码实现伟大源泉,只有一个开放社会可以给它! 比 WINAMP 占用资源更小,功能更强大,支持换肤。。。
- mars-android网上视频源码 mp3-mars-android网上视频源码 mp3
- 读取MP3文件TAG信息 MP3的基本歌曲信息存在了MP3文件的最后128个字节里, 其结构是: 1-3 TAG (标签) 4-33 歌曲名(Take Me To Your Heart ) 34-63 歌手名(Michael Learns to Rock) 64-93 专辑名(Take Me to Your Heart) 94-97 年份(2004) 98-125 备注(http://www.uptu.com) 126 保留位,这时为0,则说明有音轨,下一位就
- 次源码利用KUGOU音乐嵌入,供给新手熟悉熟悉...高手可跳过。演示的话看 www.59yoo.cn 或者去百度搜 “音乐厅听” 华军及很多知名下载站都有搜录-Second source KUGOU music embedded use, familiar with the supply of new players may be familiar with ... Skip. Presentation, then look to www.59yoo.cn or Baidu search co
- MP3的程序,其中主控芯片采用的是51内核的单片机,解码芯片为最常见的VS1003 (本程序并非原创,转载自www.ourdev.cn某高手的开源作品)-MP3 of the program, which is the main control chip microcontroller core 51, decoder chip for the most common VS1003 (This procedure is not original, reproduced from a mast
- 用键盘字母模拟钢琴演奏请认真书写上传资料的详细功能、包含内容说明(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码-delphi program in windows system.run and press any key ,the music wili be come.you couled call me zl or kingmouse.my e-mail is rj03417@163.com. the telephone number is 1352
- 易语言--千千静听, 主界面预览,支持同步歌词 -Yi language- TTPlayer, the main interface, preview, support synchronous lyrics
- mp3切割软件,是一款绿色软件。可以方便的切割mp3.-mp3 cutting software, is a green software. Can be easily cut mp3.
- 用vb开发的音乐盒.类似于QQ音乐盒那种.功能也比较多.下载可用.-Development of the music box with vb. Similar to the kind of music box QQ. Function will be more. Download available.
- MPEG4IP Project The MPEG4IP project provides a standards-based system for encoding, streaming, and playing encoded audio, video and text. To achieve this we ve integrated a number of existing open source packages, and created some original code to
- AAC编码器的matlab实现,可以导出AAC编码中间过程的系数-Usage: Take a wav file (44100, Mono) and name it as original_input.wav or change name in main_aacencoder.m. 1. Open the file main_aacencoder.m to encode original_input.wav in ADTS AAC format. 2. Run the f
- 此为转载的基于wince系统下的音乐播放器,插件齐全。第一次发,请多指教。解压码www.oigps.com-This is a reprint of the music player based the wince system under the plug-in is complete. Hair for the first time, please advise.
- MPEG2Lib can decode MPEG2 encoded video sequences like the ones found on a DVD or the disk in a typical harddisk video recorder. The decoder is based on the GPL project DVD2AVI (arbor.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~jackei/dvd2avi/) and MPEG2Decode from MPEG