- Introduction At long last I have finally made what I have wanted to make for so long. Being new to the coding world, this media player (which I call MediaShow ) is my first working software. It is based on the famous DirectShow multimedia API from
- POV-Ray source code for slowing/speeding up time into animations, this is useful i.e. when one wishes to get a bullet time scene where the camera moves at normal speed and other objects slow down in order to watch them in detail, then they accelerate
- 8-32 kbit/s语音和视频的结构误差不稳定窄带和宽带嵌入式变数率编码-The G.718 encoder can accept wideband sampled signals at 16 kHz, or narrowband signals sampled at either 16 or 8 kHz. Similarly, the decoder output can be 16 kHz wideband, in addition to 16 or 8 kHz narrowband. I
- VC++ 暴风影音(Media Player Classic)源码 什么是Media Player Classic? 知道的人不多,但提起国内的暴风影音,我想知道的人就多了,其实暴风影音就是Media Player Classic,暴风影音只是同我一样从Gabest官方下载到了Media Player Classic的源码,不同的是,暴风影音将Media Player Classic改成了自己的名字并加入了许多的解码器,打包成自己的产品,其实这也无可厚非,关键就在于其作者老爱把里面捆绑一些我们用
- TCanon Delphi 2005 Component Ver 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Source in: STAF_Canon.pas Purcose: Controlling the Canon EOS photo cameras. ================================================= You can