- 这是一个WORD文档形式的软件工程复习资料,内容精简、丰富。如果你要考得好成绩,不妨下载来看看,我可不是瞎说哦。-This is a Microsoft Word document forms of software engineering review of information, streamlined and rich. If you want to dull achievements, it may be downloaded to look at, but I am not prat
flash 播放器
- 一个不同于其他flash的播放软件,希望大家能后下载尝试,看看到底有什么惊喜,呵呵。-a flash player software, I hope you will try to download after, look at what surprises in the end, huh.
- Foxmail 5远程缓冲区溢出漏洞 注:本文是2004年2月xfocus成员在内部技术交流中提出的,在此之前,启明星辰技术人员已经发现这一漏洞,但未公开细节,xfocus成员听说存在这一漏洞后对Foxmail进行分析,并写出利用代码。 测试环境:win2k sp4+foxmail 5.0.300 以前测试foxmail 4.x的时候曾经发现过溢出漏洞,不过后来一直没时间研究就先放下了,后来听说Foxmail5也有溢出,但是一直没有看见公布。于是没事的时候干脆自己研究一下,测试后发现
- 本文档是针对软件工程,课设做的一个酒店的程序的概要和详细设计书。里面记录详细,采用国标,里面用的都是UML建模工具 很完备,也用了我不少心血,当时在做的时候-This document is for software engineering, class-based hotels do a summary of the procedures and detailed design document. Inside detailed records using GB, inside the U
- pso帮我看看 我是初学 -PSO helped me is that when I look at the
- 十年前,微软帝国的缔造者比尔-盖茨(Bill Gates)曾撰写过一本在当时轰动一时的书——《未来之路》,他在这本276页的书中预测了微软乃至整个科技产业未来的走势。盖茨在书中写道:“虽然现在看来这些预测不太可能实现,甚至有些荒谬,但是我保证这是本严肃的书,而决不是戏言。十年后我的观点将会得到证实。”一转眼十年过去了,现在让我们回顾一下盖茨的书中到底预测了些什么,又有哪些已经成为了现实。 -decade ago, Microsoft empire founder Bill - Gates
- This text surrounds the development of the electric power SCADA system exactly, aiming at the present condition of the our country electric power charged barbed wire net currently, according to the oneself at the e- lectric power protect the professi
- 近来随着计算机的快速发展,各种棋类游戏被纷纷请进了电脑,使得那些喜爱下棋,又常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾。而且这类软件个个水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。其中战胜过国际象棋世界冠军-卡斯帕罗夫的“深蓝”便是最具说服力的代表;其它像围棋的“手淡”、象棋的“将族”等也以其优秀的人工智能深受棋迷喜爱;而我们今天将向大家介绍的是五子棋的算法。 当我们与电脑对战时,您知道这些软件是怎样象人脑一样进行思考的吗?前不久我曾编写过一个五子棋的游戏,在这里就以此为例和大家一起探讨探讨。
- It s my own design .there are s3c44b0x and atl8019 in the design. it is original so need be improved.you can open it with protel 99se! I great appreciate your use!-It's my own design. And there are at s3c44b0x l8019 in the design. it is origin
- 基于角点检测图像配准的一种新算法.是我搜到的,还可以-corner detection based on the registration of a new algorithm. I found that yes, but also can look at
- AD7714的驱动程序正确只是说明会用,用好的技术关键在硬件设计,看别人的资料总结了几点注意事项,希望对你有所提示.-AD7714 driver will correct only to illustrate usage, the key technologies in hardware design, look at the information summarizes the points for attention, and I hope to have you suggest.
- 我现在需要看几个论文。。今年马上毕业。。急着用-I now need to look at a few papers. . Immediately graduated this year. . Anxious to use. . Thank you
- 本人把这次课程设计作为培养实践能力的初次练兵,以数字通信中的编码器、译码器及锁存器为核心设计了八路抢答器。-I regard this as a training curriculum design practical ability of the initial training, and digital communications to the encoder, Decoder and latches at the core design of the Eighth Route Army
- 这是我做毕业课题时搜集到的一些关于用计算机模拟书画作品的论文资料。计算机生成中国书画在国内外还是一项比较新的研究方向,这些论文可以帮助对此感兴趣的网友对此方向进行一定的了解。-This is what I do when the subject of graduation to collect some of the computer simulation art paper information. Computer Generated Chinese painting at home and
- Web technology is not evolving in comfortable and incremental steps, but i s turbulent, erratic, and often rather uncomfortable. It is estimated that the Internet, arguably the most important part of the new technological environment, has expanded by
- delphi做的图书馆界面设计作业,软件工程要求做的,大家一起看一下-do Library interface design operations, software engineering requirements so that we could look at
- An 8-QAM communications channel simulation in Simulink, constructed from a 16-QAM model and using an I,Q correlation receiver. QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) is a method of combining two amplitude-modulated (AM) signals into a single chan
- C的异常机制的剖析,对异常不是很了解的人可以看一下,感觉有点帮助-C' s exception mechanism analysis, of abnormalities not know much about the people can look at, I feel a little help
- Steam turbines are found to operate at fairly good efficiency only at high speeds. The high speed operation of rotors tends to increase mechanical losses and so the rotors should have a smooth external surface. Hence, smooth cylindrical type rotors w
- In this work we present the ED (economic dispatch) problem in mixed AC-DC (alternative currant- direct current) systems based on the calculation of PF (power flow) and its equivalent losses matrix. The procedure starts by the calculation of the PF fo