- High performance 32-bit/40-bit floating-point processor Code compatibility—at assembly level, uses the same instruction set as other SHARC DSPs Single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) computational architecture— two 32-bit IEEE floating-point
- In the introduction to the first edition of this book, I explained my fascination with the Intel 8048 microcontroller. I first discovered this device when I was looking at the first IBM Personal Computer’s schematics. While the PC’s schematic its
- i am a teacher of Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, this document addresses the introduction of compressed sensing framework in general. 本文档对压缩感知理论进行了简单介绍,包含其基本理论,应用领域。
- While intentions are at the center of communication theories such as Relevance Theory, and also of theories of action in general, the interaction between communicative and non-communicative intentions has not been much investigated within the r
- I’d like to thank everyone at Sams for their help with this book, and for the opportunity to write it. In particular, Scott Meyers and Mark Taber helped me get started. Jeff Schultz and Amy Patton managed the project and kept things moving along.
- 这是我做课题是搜集的WSN(无线传感器网络)和云计算的文章。里面有概念,例子,做无线传感器网络和云计算的同学可以看看。-This is the article I do topics collected WSN (wireless sensor networks) and cloud computing. There is a concept, for example, do the wireless sensor networks and cloud computing students ca
- 當我進入補教界, 決定教統計學的時候, 我就立志要成為全國統計老師的第一名, 當時厲害的前輩非常的多, 這個任務在當時應該是 mission: impossible-When I entered the the cram school community, decided to teach statistics when, I aspired to become the first place in the National Statistics teacher then pow
- We demonstrate a new approach to CARS spectroscopy by effi ciently syn- thesizing synchronized narrow-bandwidth (less than 10 cm− 1) pump and Stokes pulses (frequency diff erence continuously tunable upto ~3000 cm− 1) based on spec
- t s very difficult to find a free and compatible (with all browsers) dropdownlist that can contain image and text. However, I looked at the jQuery open source components and saw that jQuery developers have done an excellent work with their several wi
- 基于光伏模块直流物理模型,在matlab 仿真环境下,开发了光伏阵列通用仿真模型。利用该 模型,可以模拟任意太阳辐射强度、环境温度、光伏模块参数、光伏阵列串并联方式组合下的光伏阵 列I-V 特性。此外,该模型还融合了光伏阵列的最大功率跟踪(MPPT)功能,可以用于光伏发电系统 和风光复合发电系统的动态仿真。-A Versatile simulation model for photovoltaic array is developed based on the DC physical
- iOS培训一年后,写给学弟学妹一些心得,我当时在上海XXX培训机构培训(以免广告嫌疑xxx代替)的,我是利用暑假期间参加培训的。 简单说说我的培训经历,我是去培训地点报名的,当时一看教室有60多人一个班,顿时觉得这个培训机构可信,这4个月里我从一个不太懂C语言到精通C语言、精通OC、基本掌握iOS的开发精髓,收获蛮大的,但是在这个收获过程中有愉快的也有不愉快的。 第一我并不是资质比较好的学员,由于培训机构为了最大化利益,把所谓的好学生和差学生分为了两个班,这样分配后我进入了差班,其实
- This ppt is on mobile adhoc networking.In which firstly i explain what is manet and then its type.After this routing protocol in manet. Application of manet is also mentioned.At the end i explain unicast routing protocol.
- Build a decision tree (DT) classfier using the following three strategies for stopping growth of a tree: i) threshold on the decrease in impurity ii) threshold on the number of data vectors at a node iii) grow the tree as much as possible and the