- 广州 周立功 的文件系统源码,适用于ucos2 操作系统,不知源码是否已经存在. 我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大家庭,自己开发的高质量源码不多,望这个源码能为联合开发网添砖加瓦.-Guangzhou Zhou Ligong file system source code, apply to ucos2 operating system, I do not know whether the source already exists. I thought with the pious to joi
- UCOS2 下的TCP/IP 协议,自己的高质量源码不多,有些也不是很通用,希望这个源码能为贵网添砖加瓦,我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大集体!-UCOS2 under the TCP / IP protocol, source of high-quality small, some not very common. hope your source for network building blocks, I thought with the pious to join the large grou
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- 周立功的 SD/MCC 卡的源码,自己的高质量源码不多,希望这个源码能为贵网添砖加瓦,我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大集体!-weeks meritorious SD / MCC cards source, the source of high-quality small, hope your source for network building blocks, I thought with the pious to join the large group!
- 编程高手的秘笈:Linux C 函数库,linux宝库典藏版,Linux Make中文手册,uclinux核心手册,Linux网络编程,嵌入式系统开发圣经,高质量C编程指南,高手的必杀技啊,好东西与大家分享-programming experts in the secret : Linux C libraries, treasury collection version of linux, Make Chinese Linux manual Basis core manual, Linux
- MiniWeb是一个针对嵌入式应用而开发的微型Web Server,它占用资源少,工作效率高,可移植性好,使用C语言编写,可以单线程服务多个用户,支持动态页面生成和页面变量替换等动态Web技术,可作为静态库或动态库内嵌于其他软件中,也可作为独立的Web server运行在Windows和Linux上。-MiniWeb was an embedded application and development of the micro-Web Server, It occupied less reso
- 本文提出了一种基于数字图像处 进行检测就显得更加重要。因此有必要寻求 术的表面裂纹检测算法。运用这种算法能精 一种行之有效的检测技术。 确的检测裂纹的位置、长度等特征。将这种 随着计算机技术的高速发展,计算机为 裂纹检测算法运用到裂纹自动检测系统以 -This paper presents a digital image based on the Department detection becomes even more important. It is neces
- Embest Arm EduKit II Evaluation Board External Interrupt Test Example Please Select the trigger: 1 - Falling trigger 2 - Rising trigger 3 - Both Edge trigger 4 - Low level trigger 5 - High level trigger any key to exit...
- open ofc是一个开源的图形界面开发工具,使用它可以方便界面的开发,在一些高级的嵌入式平台下使用很多。例如,一些高档的DVD record上面就是用open pfc。-open ofc revenue is a GUI development tool, it can facilitate the use of the interface development, In some senior embedded platforms use a lot. For example, some h
- RTD_Datasheet_conf1.1 The RTD1073-GR/RTD1073DA-GR is highly integarated SoC for consumer Electonic products requiring High Definition Media Playback,wireless/Wired Networkiing,and Mass Storage Capabilities.-RTD_Datasheet_conf1.1 The RTD1073-GR/RTD10
- 功率型光电继电器,具5000耐压隔离电压.负边双向导通-The LHW214EH consists of an AlGaAs infrared light-emitting diode (LED) input stage optically coupled to a high-voltage output detector circuit. The detector consists of a high-speed photovoltaic diode array and driver ci
- 用QT编写的另外几个例子,代码质量高,对初学者非常有用-Prepared with a few other examples of QT, the code of high quality, very useful for beginners
- 嵌入式linux 系统分析与高级编程技术 PDF资料 包含linux 简介 移植 系统分析 编程技术 -Linux embedded system analysis and high-level programming information contained in PDF Profile transplantation analysis linux programming
- ad 数模转换 把模拟量转换为数字信号 误差小 性能高-ad DAC converts the analog high-performance digital signal error is small
- tesseract-1.03 google现在在维护的OCR系统,英文识别率较高。之前由HP开发x-tesseract-1.03 google is now in the maintenance of the OCR system, the English high recognition rate. Developed by the HP before x
- TI DM365平台支持SDHC大容量SD卡的驱动补丁,从TI的FAE处取得,对IPCAM本地录制有非常大的作用。由原来的2G增加到最大支持到2G。-TI DM365 platform supports SDHC high-capacity SD card driver patch, obtain from TI' s FAE, IPCAM local recording of a very big role. Increased to maximum support from the 2
- 前面板vfd控制代码,嵌入式,高清播放机前面板。-Vfd front panel control code, embedded, high-definition player front panel.
- ds3231驱动,rtc_tempereture芯片,高精度时钟芯片外加温度测量!本人在rtc_ds1672.c上修改的,直接替换linux(2.6.19)里的该文件,就可以使用了。-ds3231 rtc_tempereture chip, high-precision clock chip temperature measurement plus! I modified the rtc_ds1672.c on, direct replacement for linux (2.6.19) in
- linux平台下用C实现配置文件的读写,可移植性高-linux platform using C to achieve the configuration file reading and writing, portability, high-
- 构建高性能网络的Netflow流量统计环境 构建高性能网络的Netflow流量统计环境-Building high-performance network environment Netflow traffic statistics
- Play with High-Power-LED_s-PIC