- 可编程片上系统设计技术,目前是一个热点话题,技术含量高,起点也高,所以本文能对大伙儿有帮助。 - On the programmable piece the system design technology, at present is a hot spot topic, the technical content high, the beginning is also high, therefore this article can have the help to everybody.
- nRF24E1作为 RF处理芯片,内带51处理器,其频段处于ISM频段,通信速度可以达到1M,可以进行跳频处理,在短距离高速度通信上有非常良好的功能。-nRF24E1 as an RF chip, which with 51 processors, the band at ISM band, communication speed can reach 1M, can Hopping, a short distance high-speed communications on a very goo
- 该软件外国外著名的天线仿真软件,对设计高频,天线方面有着良好的帮助,其使用方便,直观,不过该软件是个小版本软件,不过很适合设计小型天线。-the software famous antenna simulation software for the design of high frequency, the antenna has a good help, its ease of use, intuitive, but the software is a small version of the
- 这是一个市场上常见电视卡的驱动程序源代码,对做电视卡驱动程序开发的朋友有很高的参考价值。-This is a common market of the TV card driver source code, the TV card driver for the development of a friend a high reference value.
- he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its
- 另一种嵌入式操作系统的简介,扫盲啦,在国外利用很高的-another embedded OS briefings -- literacy, the use of foreign high
- 基于凌阳061A单片机的高灵敏度低电压检测源码-based Sunplus SCM 061A high sensitivity and low voltage detection FOSS
- 适合于ARM7、ARM8、ARM9的uCOS-II操作系统,速度极快-suitable for ARM7, ARM8 and ARM9 for uCOS-II operating system, high speed
- 基于EPSON 的一种操作系统内核改造的实时嵌入式操作系统ASIXOS,国内一家研发中心开发。精炼可靠,学习价值高。符合ITRON标准。文件是内核代码。改代码移植在ARM7处理器内核上。-on a modified OS kernel real-time embedded operating system ASIXOS. domestic development of a research and development center. Refining reliable, high value
- S3c2410的LCD模块测试代码。 适用于3.5、6、8寸LCD,分辨率最高达到VGA 文件格式为ADS开发平台格式。-S3c2410 LCD module testing the code. .5,6,8 Applicable to the three-inch LCD, a high resolution VGA format for the ADS development platform format.
- 串口发送modbus协议CRC校验低字节(若为查表所得数据为高字节,其实为CRC的低字节)-serial modbus connection agreement low byte CRC (if available for look-up table for the high-byte data, In fact, for low-byte CRC)
- 南京沁恒电子的ch365资料,CH365 是一个连接PCI总线的通用接口芯片,支持I/O端口映射、存储器映射、扩展ROM 以及中断。CH365 将32 位高速PCI 总线转换为简便易用的类似于ISA 总线的8 位主动并行接口,用于制作低成本的基于PCI 总线的计算机板卡,以及将原先基于ISA 总线的板卡升级到PCI总线上。PCI 总线与其它主流总线相比,速度更快,实时性更好,可控性更佳,所以CH365 适用于高速实时的I/O控制卡、通讯接口卡、数据采集卡、电子盘、扩展ROM 卡等。-Nanjin
- VS1003音频解码芯片为VS10XX系列的第三代产品,是芬兰VLSI Solution Oy公司生产的单片MP3/WMA/MIDI解码和ADPCM编码芯片,它内部包含一个高性能、低功耗的DSP处理核(VSDSP),一个工作内存,一片可供用户程序使用的5.5KB RAM,一个串行SPI总线接口,一个高质量的采样频率可调的过采样DAC以及一个16位的采样ADC.-VS1003 Audio Decoder Chip for VS10XX series of the third-generation
- 基于ARM处理器的低成本数字化的远程图像监控系统.高可靠性.-ARM processor-based low-cost digital remote video surveillance system. High reliability.
high precision timebase
- 本文详细的介绍了高精度定时的实现,并给出了定时器设置的例子。-this detailed account of the realization of high precision timing, and the timer is set examples.
- high voltag fuse bit for AVR
- msp430高精度AD采集 个ADS1232和ADS1234是精密24位数模转换器(adc)。和一个内置的、低噪声可编程增益放大器(PGA),δ-σADC精度和内部振荡器,ADS1232/4提供一个完整的前端解决方案应用程序包括权衡尺度桥传感器和压力传感器,应变仪 -Msp430 high-precision AD collection
- 四轴飞行器定高程序算法,采用超声波定距离高度。-Four aircraft program algorithm set high, given distance using ultrasonic height.
- 高速电路回流路径相关分析PDF详细解释电路回流路径-Correlation analysis of high speed circuit return path
- Design and analysis of active analog high pass filter -Design and analysis of active analog high pass filterDesign and analysis of active analog high pass filter