- 对于不同的18b20这个程序可能有些问题,我遇到是的将暂存器的数据拷回18b20中数据无法保存. 换过18b20就正常了.-for different 18b20 this procedure may be some problems, I have met is to register the data back to beat 18 b20 data available. Alternatively 18b20 will be back to normal.
keil uv3
- 这个UV3是正式版. 不像网上传的那样,在98下运行就出错. 这个版本是:3.03 是从DKARMV12A中拷出来的. 我一直都在用,好用着.-Lithography is the official version. Unlike Internet-in the case of 98 mistakes on the run. This version is : 3.03 from DKARMV12A which beat out. I have been in use and ease of u
- 单片机播放音乐 通过控制高低电平让蜂鸣器发出不同的声音 做相应的延时实现节拍 开发环境是keil-SCM music by controlling the high-low so that the buzzer sounds different delay accordingly to achieve the beat
- 基于单片机的电子表与温度计,能够跳动显示时间和温度。-Based on single-chip electronic watches and thermometers, to beat time and temperature display.
- 其代码实现了 52单片机的液晶显示 在两幅画面 之间跳动 通过按键-Code implementation of its 52 single-chip liquid crystal display screen at two sites through the buttons between the Beat
- 用单片机设计电子音乐门铃,除了各个子程序外还包括音符节拍码数据表。 -Designed with single-chip electronic music doorbell, in addition to various routines, but also including key data sheet music beat.
- 一个简单的电子看板程序,可根据需要设定节拍时间,开始时间,以及休息时间间隔,并实现计划数量,实际数量的即时更新。-A simple Kanban process can be time to set the beat, the beginning of time, as well as rest time interval, and the number of plans, the actual number of real-time update.
- 51单片机控制蜂鸣器放音乐源码,源码很简单,一看就懂,外加确定节拍的方法PDF-51 single-chip buzzer play music source control, source code is very simple, one look to understand, plus the beat way to determine the PDF
- 内容包括:(1)看门狗复位,(2)作为普通定时器 以及内部看门狗的介绍 源程序都是开发板配套的,包括整个工程 -Include: (1) Calculate the period of program execution time, (2) SysTick interrupt operations, (3) SysTick Applications: Analog PC key repeat feature and system introduction to the beat ti
- 音乐C程序 是一首优美的音乐,可直接下载到51单片机里演揍。-Music C program is a beautiful music, can be directly downloaded to the MCU 51 years played beat.
- 通过控制定时器的定时时间来产生不同频率的方法,驱动喇叭发出不同音阶的声音,再利用延时来控制发音时间的长短,即可控制音调中的节拍。把乐谱中的音符和相应的节拍变换为定时常数和延时常数,作为数据表格存放在存储器中。由查表程序的到定时常数和延时常数,当延时时间到,再查看下一个音符的定时常数和延时常数。依次下去,就可以播放一首完整的歌。-Timer by controlling the timing of time to produce different frequencies of ways, dri
- 5*6矩阵键盘,可以敲打26个英文字母,通过液晶1602显示-5 mult6 matrix keyboard, you can beat the 26 English letters, 1602 through the liquid crystal display
- 步进电机控制的C51源程序,用于4相8拍-Stepper motor control C51 source, for 4-phase 8 beat
- ATmega16初学时的秒节拍小程序,适于初学者参考-When the second beat ATmega16 small beginner program, suitable for advanced users
- heart beat detector project
- 新式豆浆机源代码 原创 实际验证可行 豆浆挺香 主要打豆浆 其它的功能例如打果汁等需要在程序相应子函数中加入相应的简单代码即可 已经可以做成品了-bean beat machine c code
- LPC1114开发板,示例程序,节拍功能,定时器的使用。 LPC1114,M0架构,低功耗。-LPC1114 development board, sample application, the beat features, the use of timers. LPC1114, M0 architecture, low power consumption.
- 位于十字路口的交通灯,在A方向和B方向各有红,黄,绿三盏灯,按下表所列顺序进行循环。其中1表示灯亮,0表示灯灭。实验中假设交通灯按照10s的节拍工作,各个灯亮的时间相等。-Traffic lights at crossroads, in the A direction and B direction of each of red, yellow, and green light to cycle the order listed in the table below. Where 1 is li
- 该程序库适合长鸣型蜂鸣器,利用定时节拍对蜂鸣时间计时,鸣响期间无需占用CPU,并具有多种鸣响模式,可以作为各种报警、人机交互程序的底层函数库使用。-Type of library for sounding the buzzer, the use of time on the buzzer beat the time time, ringing without taking up CPU, and has a variety of ringing mode, can be used as all
- 提取出心电信号中的PQRS 波形 ,并且计算出心率-hreat beat and PQRS wave check