- 能给发家提供这个好东西不容易,希望大家能多多学习,不要辜负了。 uC/GUI是uC/OS-II配套的专用图形界面。这可不是开源软件,也不象uC/OS-II一样可以免费下载,这个是非常昂贵的软件。所以大家拿到后,不要声张,偷着乐吧 ^_^-can provide a small minority of the good things is not easy, I hope you will learn more, do not fail to live up to. UC / GUI is uC
- 从网上掏的,不知道如何使用,希望对大家一点帮助。-get from the Internet, do not know how to use, we hope to be helpful.
- 没有ARM开发板如何搞开发,有了PROTEUS就可以搞定!快来学习PROTEUS哦! 此为proteus-ARM2100-USOS2.70仿真文件及原码,赶快下载学习哦!收益非浅啊!-not how ARM Development Board engaged in development projects With PROTEUS can get! Come learn PROTEUS Oh! this as proteus-AR M2100 - USOS2.70 simulation fi
- 基于S3C2440芯片的UCOSII移植完整版,包括初始化代码,驱动程序以及多达15个包括中断服务程序、键盘、优先级、任务初始化等实例,适合初学者快速入门!-S3C2440 chip based on the full version of UCOSII transplantation, including the initialization code, driver and up to 15 including the interrupt service routine, keyboards
- uCOS-2的源代码,对应版本2.52,此代码为北航翻译出版的《uCOS嵌入式系统》正版原书所附光盘里提取。-uCOS-2 source code, corresponding to version 2.52, the code for the BUAA translated and published the " uCOS embedded systems" Get The accompanying CD-ROM in the original extract.
- ucosii的光盘文件,编译环境是windows下的编译器即可。 换点积分,哥们多支持哈-to get some points...
- example code for using μC/OS-II, μC/LCD and μC/Probe on a Freescale MC9S12DG256 processor. To demonstrate the MC9S12DG256, we used a Wytec Dragon12-Plus Evaluation Board This document will help you get the software compiled and loaded in to the Drag
- uCos GUI sample Embedded Artists´ LPC2478 Developer´ s Kit lets you get up-and-running quickly with the LPC2478 OEM Board. The LPC2478 OEM Board is equipped with NXP´ s .-uCos GUI sample Embedded Artists´ LPC2478 Developer´ s Ki
- uCOS_ARM移植要点详解—北航版 UCOS-II是读者在市面上可以方便获得的一种“半开源”的操作系统内核,在本书中针 对该内核在ARM下的移植以及与本书所述内核体系结构的关系及比较,进行了详细的解说。 通过对比,既方便UCOS-II的爱好者、使用者学习掌握UCOS-II内核,同时也在对比分析过 程中,使读者掌握UCOS-II和uRtos V1.0内核各自的详细特征、特点,方便读者在此基础 上开发设计出更好的嵌入式系统产品。-Detailed points uCOS_ARM
- cocos3d框架是一个针对IOS平台上复杂的3D应用开发框架。这个文档是使用cocos3d引擎的简单编程指南,描述了该框架的构件,并提供了开发IOS平台上基于cocos3d框架的指导和最佳实践。-The cocos3d framework is a sophisticated 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. This document describes the framework components an
- 基于arm7的ucos开发,好不容易才弄的资料,分享给大家-Based on the ucos arm7 development, managed to get the information you share
- 标准版的uCOS-II_LPC2000在arm上的移植代码及LPC2000开发板得资料。已实验通过,在周立功的arm开发板上进行了移植。大家如果想要深入学习arm,这个十分有帮助。-Standard Edition uCOS-II_LPC2000 at arm transplant on a LPC2000 development board code and get information. Experiments have been through, the development arm
- 上传UCOS资料,希望能够得到大家认同,也能够帮助到大家-Upload UCOS information, we hope to get recognition, but also to help the people
- 高品质嵌入式系统软件主要供应商-Micrium,今天宣布了一个针对实时内核µ C/OS-III源码使用的新政策。现在从官方可以获得内核源代码。这意味着,作为一名开发人员,无论是研究员,学生,或者其它学术界人士,如果希望评估µ C/OS-III,现在可以免费下载它的源代码。该代码硬件为STM-32。-High quality embedded system software vendors-Micrium, today announced a real-time kernel
- 介绍怎么样在STM32上弄上USB界面. 源码解说在里面-Introduction on how to get on the STM32 USB interface. Source commentary on the inside
- 原创的ucos例程,共11个,包含了所有ucos基本内容,如信号量,调度锁等;学STM32首先要了解ucos的架构,清楚架构后,移植都是一件很简单的事情。相信这些例题能够帮助到大家入门ucos-ucos source code exaple created by myself. 11 in all, which includes all of basic context of ucos, such as Semaphore,OSSchedLock It s need to know
- 在ZLG MAGIC241 开发板或者其他ARM9架构的其他开发板上实现贪吃蛇的小游戏,利用μC/OS-II的任务管理系统对于所有的任务进行管理调度。建立两个任务(不包括空闲任务),其中一个高优先级的任务一直实现按键扫描,以便获得键值;另一个低优先级的任务,实现游戏方向键定义和游戏运动画面等功能。-In ZLG MAGIC241 development board or other ARM9 architecture of other development board to achieve s
- 功能:读取按键,控制LED闪烁。 首先对引脚选择寄存器PINSEL赋值为0,设置引脚连接GPIO。,然后对按键进行扫描,等到有键按下时,开始LED闪烁的程序。为了使LED有各种各样的闪烁结果,对其设计了一个表LED_TBL[],并不断调用,对P0[7:0]这8个设置为输出的I/O口进行置一或清零,得到花样流水灯的效果。当接P0.14的按键按下时,LED闪烁状态会回到最初全灭至亮状态,然后继续按照其他花式闪烁。 -Function: Reads keys, control LED flas
- City of Perth fails in push to get expanded planning powers 8 MINUTES AGO The City of Perth fails in its push to get expanded planning powers under new capital city legislation the Opposition has described as weak .hgfdhgfdgfdsgfdgfdsg-City of Pe
- 本实验将实现如下功能:上电以后初始化相应的外设,如果开启了DHCP的话就获取IP地址等信息,在本实验中开发板为WebServer服务器,当开发板LCD进入主界面以后我们就可以在浏览器中输入开发板的IP地址来访问WsbServer服务器,可以在浏览器中控制开发板的相应外设,如LED、蜂鸣器。也可以通过浏览器来查看AD值和STM32F407内部温度传感器值。-The experiment will achieve the following functions: power after initia