- 16位16个精简指令RISC单片机IP,对于想学习学习处理器内核、编写自己的微处理器的朋友有帮助。-16 bit RISC MCU IP with 16 ops,if you want to study how write your own MCU down,you can get help with it.
verilog hdl教程135例
- 浅显易懂的vrilogHDL的程序,可以帮助你迅速上手-Easy and simple VerilogHDL programs to help you to get to the language quickly.
- 有很多例子及测试代码,对初学者很有帮助,很容易上手-a lot of examples and test code, useful for beginners, it is easy to get started
- Cadence的VHDL运算库包,实现求方根,平方你是不是以前不知道怎么弄.哈哈.-Cadence VHDL Operational the package, seeking to achieve root, You are not square did not know how get. Ha ha.
- 具有整点报时功能,整点时响铃5s。具有控制启动和关闭功能。 具有调整起床铃,熄灯铃时间的功能。 具有调整打铃时间长短和间歇时间长短的功能。 -with whole point timekeeping function, the whole point ringing 5s. Have control startup and shutdown functions. Get up with adjustments bell, lights-out bell time function.
- 一个交通灯的vhdl语言实现 用 VC的 1.在指定的文件夹内查找某个文件 2.获取系统文件夹的路径, 要求显示windows system temp 当前目录的路径 C语言 跳马问题:在5*5的棋盘上,以编号为1的点出发,按日只跳马,要求不重复地跳所有位置,求出符合规则所有跳马的方案 1 6 15 10 21 14 9 20 5 16 19 2 7 22 11 8 13 24 17 4 25 18 3 12
Altera Modesim破解版的LICENCE
- Altera Modesim破解版的LICENCE. 下载解压后: 1.直接运行mentorkg.exe(生成的license.txt拷贝到D:\altera\80\modelsim_ae\下或者mentorkg.exe拷贝到此目录下运行). 2.设置环境变量lm_license_file="D:\altera\80\modelsim_ae\license.txt" 3.搞定,Altera Modesim cracked version of the LICENCE.
Xilinx_simulation 对于掌握Xilinx公司自带的仿真工具Isim有很大帮助
- 对于掌握Xilinx公司自带的仿真工具Isim有很大帮助-It s will be helpful for you to get hold of Isim of Xilinx.
- hilbert 变换的vhdl源代码,来源于网上,本人也做过简单的8抽头的,但这个的算法还没搞懂,希望懂行的下载了研究一下,给个中文的简单的说明!-hilbert transform VHDL source code from the Internet, I have been a simple 8-tap, but even before they get to know this algorithm, I hope knowledgeable downloaded to look for a
- ARM9的开发源代码,全套,很难得。 现全部共享。-ARM9 development of source code, a full set, it is difficult to get. Are all shared.
- source code verilog for get image 320x240 rgb form pc and display it on vga monitor
- vhdl的加法计算,用于初学者熟悉vhdl语言-for the newers to get familier with vhdl
- 自己弄的一小段程序代码,给大家看看,望多给点意见。-Get their own small section of program code, for everyone to see, hope more points.
- 这是一个由得到的命令(地址)从RAM 中读取命令并送入一个名为FUNREG的寄存器的代码,和前面的MINICORE 可以衔接,属于mikroprogrammbar steuerwerk(可编程的控制器) 与FSM (有限状态机)构成的控制器相对-This is a get command (address) from the RAM read command and sent to a register of FUNREG code, and in front of MINICORE will
- 秒表的逻辑结构比较简单,它主要由、显示译码器、分频器、十进制计数器、报警器和六进制计数器组成。在整个秒表中最关键是如何获得一个精确的100Hz计时脉冲,除此之外,整个秒表还需要一个启动信号和一个归零信号,以便能够随时启动及停止。 秒表有六个输出显示,分别为百分之一秒,十分之一秒、秒、十秒、分、十分,所以共有6个计数器与之对应,6个个计数器全为BCD码输出,这样便于同时显示译码器的连接。当计时达60分钟后,蜂鸣器鸣响10声。 -Stopwatch logical structure is
- Verilog是广泛应用的硬件描述语言,可以用在硬件设计流程的建模、综合和模拟等多个阶段。随着硬件设计规模的不断扩大,应用硬件描述语言进行描述的CPLD结构,成为设计专用集成电路和其他集成电路的主流。通过应用Verilog HDL对多功能电子钟的设计,达到对Verilog HDL的理解,同时对CPLD器件进行简要了解。 本文的研究内容包括: 对Altera公司Flex 10K系列的EPF10K 10简要介绍,Altera公司软件Max+plusⅡ简要介绍和应用Verilog HDL对多功能
- It is a first time code being developed to designers who want to get your DDR2 SDRAM on-board in Spartan 3AN Starter Kit - Diligent fully working.-It is a first time code being developed to designers who want to get your DDR2 SDRAM on-board in Sparta
- 这是用verilogHDL语言编写的自动出售饮料的电路。会根据顾客投入硬币的多少来送出饮料,并且找回零钱。-This is language used verilogHDL automatic circuit the sale of beverages. Customer input will be based on the number of coins out drinks, and get back change.
- 结合截图,quartus2与ModelSim的联调的详细操作步凑,使初学者迅速上手-Combination of shots, quartus2 with the ModelSim FBI put together a detailed step-by-step operation, so that beginners get started quickly
- This simple example allows you to get familiar with Active-HDL s Memory Viewer.