- StarDot公司130万像素网络摄像机(NetCam) ClientPull方式下的Java客户端源代码,可直 接用来做你自己的网络摄像机,吐血推荐,此 源代码全球仅此一份!版权自负 参见http://www.stardot-tech.com/netcam/-StarDot company 1.3 million pixel network cameras (NetCam) ClientPu ll manner of Java client source code, can b
- 红外发射程序。主要用于接受外界温度,经单片机调制。-Infrared emission process. Is mainly used to outside temperatures, modulated by the microcontroller.
- its is used to display the data using 12c protocol it ll help to know about i2c protocol
- delay function for pic microcontroller it ll use to ur program
- BMP085 Test Code April 7, 2010 by: Jim Lindblom Test code for the BMP085 Barometric Pressure Sensor. We ll first read all the calibration values from the sensor. Then the pressure and temperature readings will be read and calculate
- 利用改变定时器输出比较通道的捕获值,当输出通道捕获值产生中断时,在中断中将捕获值改变,这时,输出的I/O会产生一个电平翻转,利用这种办法,实现不同频率的PWM输出。-Used to change the timer output value of a channel down the output channel capture value generate the interrupt, "the value will change, then, the output of course i
- 将日期、时钟、秒表及闹钟功能分开实现。选择日期模式,则只显示年、月、日。选择时钟模式,则只显示时、分、秒。选择秒表模式,则只显示秒、毫秒。选择闹钟模式,显示为时、分、秒,另外加一个闹铃。-The date, clock, stopwatch and alarm functions to achieve separation. Select a date mode, only displays year, month, day. Select the clock mode, only displa
- c51 modbus 学习的好材料,初步入门比较适用-c51 modbus you ll need it
- In this simple project, we’ll build a motion-sensing arduino alarm using a PIR (passive infrared) sensor and an Arduino microcontroller. This is a great way to learn the basics of using digital input ( the sensor) and output (in this case, to a noisy