- it is code for PIC32 USB host code. In which PIC32 act as host it just power on the usb port -it is code for PIC32 USB host code. In which PIC32 act as host it just power on the usb port
- This firmware will act as a continuous source of bulk data. Developed for ezusb
- this code is for atmegqa8 to act as serial data transmitter for wireless transmitions, for 3 analog data converted to digital and simultaneously displaying it in LCD. code is written in AVR-GCC platform.
- this a code for atmega8 configured to act as a receive, which receives wireless transmitted data. and simultaneously displaying it on lcd.-this is a code for atmega8 configured to act as a receive, which receives wireless transmitted data. and simult
- This program is used in ARM7 to make it act as usb
- trafic monitoring: can controll the car ar any vehicle remotely.. a motor connected to AVR IC can act as the breaking device. controlled through GSM
- iir 滤波器设计教程,并通过 MATLAB 实现,采用图形,加深对IIR FIR 理解!-how to design iir filter,and use matlab to act it,and use figure to help user master it.