- to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file
- 这是一个在图象中隐藏信息的算法,他能实现在图象中隐藏文本信息的目的-This is a hidden image in the algorithm information, he can achieve the image hidden text information purposes
- 这是一个在图象像素亮度中隐藏信息的算法,他能实现在图象像素的亮度值嵌入信息-This is a pixel in the image brightness information was concealed in the algorithm, he is able to achieve in the brightness of image pixels embedded value information
- 这是一个在利用密钥产生随机序列,他能实现在伪随机序列的产生-This is a key generated using random sequence, he can achieve the pseudo-random sequence generation
- 这是一个实现图象加权信噪比算法,他能实现图象失真程度的衡量-This is a weighted signal-to-noise ratio images algorithm, he is able to achieve levels of image distortion measure
- 上述代码是对图片进行处理的方法,供大家学习之用,拥有他可以对图片任意处理。-The above code is a method of dealing with pictures for your learning with a picture he can handle arbitrary.
- 源代码实现了二维场景地图的加载,并添加了一个用框框框起来的人物,但他不能走出这个框框,需要有一定编程能力的人去修改完成-Two-dimensional scene source code to load the map, and added a frame box up with the characters, but he can not walk out of the box, need to have some programming ability of people to change
- 本文档是SEED-DTK VPM642多媒体图像处理实验系统方案,他对于图像采集很重要-This document the SEED-DTK VPM642 multimedia experimental system of image processing program, he is very important for image acquisition
- 何凯明的经典算法,代码已经注释过了,方便阅读。-Kaiming He s Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
- 结合MFC和OPENCV的视频逐帧读取,代码短而简单-Combination of MFC and OPENCV video frame by frame to read,he code short and simple
- 关于何恺明博士去雾论文中,对大气光介绍,以及实现图片在论文中可得到。-About Dr. He Kaiming to fog thesis describes the atmosphere light, and the realization of the picture in the paper can be obtained.
- 对何恺明博士论文种算法的改进,都有注释,可以帮助学习一下-Dr. He Kaiming thesis on algorithms improvements have notes, can help to learn about