- 这是一个支持VGA320*200*256C的小开发包,里含头文件vmode.h--用于调用此模式(0x13)的支持 vdraw.h--用于基本绘图操作的支持 chput.h--用于汉字及E文在图形方式下的显示支持 window.h--用于创建基本窗口控件的支持.Deam.c--演示程序的代码 hzk16--16*16的点阵汉字字库.-This is a support VGA320 * 200 * Male small development kits, said to contain the
- This digitizing software tool converts an image file showing a graph or map, into numbers. The image file can come from a scanner, digital camera or screenshot. The numbers can be read on the screen, and written or copied to a spreadsheet.-This digit
- 该源码为计算机辅助设计B样条曲线的生成,源码详细地展示的B样条曲线的生成,修改,重绘等功能。对于理解CAD(Computer Aided Design)有一定的帮助作用。(注:CAD是计算机辅助设计的英文简称,目前国际一流的CAD软件有AutoCAD,SolidWorks,Pro/E等等)-source for the computer-aided design of the B-spline curve generation, Source detailed display of the B-
- This a simple implementation of Oscilloscope control. This control shows last N points of user data. It has up to 8 channels (number of channels are defined by OSC_MAX_CHANNELS parameter in header file). Each channel can show only one curve (in this
- This MATLAB code is an example of how to train the GCRF model described in \"Learning Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Low-Level Vision\" by M.F. Tappen, C. Liu, E.H. Adelson, and W.T. Freeman in CVPR 2007. If you use this code in your re
- The goals of this tool is to manipulate the fast marching algorithm in 2D and 3D. Application to shortest path extraction (e.g. road tracking and tubular structure extraction in medical images), shape statistics and geodesic remeshing are presented.
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 7. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. This program reads a polygon P followed by query points from stdin. The in
- 供大家参考,如果可以可给我发电子邮件 kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn 谢谢!-for your reference, if I can e-mail to kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn Thank you!
- BarcodeX ActiveX控件 能产生几乎所有类型的条形码。它可以和数据源绑定,用于数据库报告。条形码可以导出为位图,元文件,剪贴板等。支持的条形码格式有:EAN-13、 EAN-8、EAN-2、EAN-5、UPC-A、UPC-E、Code39、Code39 Ext、Code93、 Code 128、EAN-128、ISSN、ISBN、Plessey、Code11、Code25、Code25 Int.、Codebar 甚至PDF417 2维条形码-barcode activex
- 数字图像处理的基本方法,可以实现图像的放大缩小,旋转,负片,函数变换-3D building reconstruction is a challenging problem addressed by many researchers. Since airborne LIDAR data appeared as a new data source in remote sensing and photogrammetry many attempts were made to model
- Stitches together png images vertically (like TrentStitch) - mainly to make my life easier when making knobs for vst plugins. I ve only tested it with 32 bit images though (i.e. 24 bit colour, 8 bit alpha) - There s a good chance it ll fail mis
- Course components with E-zine
- autocad 文件浏览器,能够查看浏览dwg文件,并进行转换的功能-autocad see
- This is a fast non-iterative ellipse fit, and among fast non-iterative ellipse fits this is the most accurate and robust. It takes the xy-coordinates of data points, and returns the coefficients of the equation of the ellipse: ax^2 + bxy +
- scr ipt originally intended for use in oceanography/fluid dynamics. Use: >> ipdv(X,Y) (0,0) default initial position or >> ipdv(X,Y,Xo,Yo) (Xo,Yo) initial position 2D vector components (X,Y) are used to plot the vectors one after
- Experiments in creating 3d logos in VB with 2d text (i.e. faking 3d in 2d)
- otsu算法确定二值化阀值,最大类间方差是由日本学者大津(OTSU)于1979年提出的,是一种自适应的阈值确定的方法,又叫大津法,简称OTSU。 -In computer vision and image processing, Otsu s method is used to automatically perform histogram shape-based image thresholding,[1] or, the reduction of a graylevel image t
- image inpainting -CS7495 Final Project Sooraj Bhat Object Removal by Exemplar-based Inpainting USING THE CODE Everything was done in Matlab and MEX (i.e. a C function callable from Matlab). First, the C code needs to be comp
- novel intra deinterlacing algorithm (NID) based on content adaptive interpolation. The NID consists of three steps: pre-processing, content classification, and content adaptive interpolation. There are also three main interpolation methods in our pr
- CONVOLVE2可以用于任何CONV2使用,采取同样的参数并返回一个小的公差范围内同样结果。加速计算是通过使用面膜中的奇异值分解,表示为外产品总结一下。这些都可以有效地计算与行和列向量的卷积。 CONV2是用来从事这项运动。 可分面具是一个特殊情况,并受CONVOLVE2处理多达FILTER2一样。许多不属于其他口罩可分低等级(如Gabor函数口罩),并更有效地处理CONVOLVE2。 该功能也将计算出降秩逼近一个给定的面具如果需要的话,将使用此是否会加速计算。一个额外