- <3D图形编程指南>电子书(WORDY文档格式)并附有光盘源代码-lt; 3D graphics programming guide gt; E-books (WORDY document format) accompanied by a CD-ROM source code
- PQP is a library for performing three types of proximity queries on a pair of geometric models composed of triangles: collision detection - detecting whether the two models overlap, and optionally, all of the triangles that overlap. distance co
- XMIPP is a specialized suite of image processing programs primarily aimed at obtaining the three-dimensional reconstruction of biological specimens from large sets of projection images obtained by transmission electron microscopy. //专门处理图像程序
- 涵盖了nurbs方面的基本算法,可以把源码直接拷贝到程序中。 Table of Contents Chapter 2 Bezier Curves Chapter 3 B-spline Curves Chapter 4 Rational B-spline (NURBS) Curves Chapter 5 Bezier Surfaces Chapter 6 B-spline Surfaces Chapter 7 Rational B-spline (NURBS) S
- MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extendible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. The system is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, prov
- A C++ program to show the projection of 3D objects using Cabinet Oblique Parallel Projection onto xy-plane (i.e. angle=30 deg).
- The scene contains the following features a) Mirror effect b) An own stencil lighting effect c) Mesh and camera loader d) Bezier spline camera e) Tunnel f) Blending (Fade effect - color/picture, tunnel)
- This cod e is used to open 3ds file. It can edit 3D model and have the function of modeling.
- 三维重建,求E matrix即是本质矩阵
3ds Max 9 中文版入门与提高配书光盘
- 1) 本教学光盘中所有视频文件均采用TSCC视频编码进行压缩,如果发现光盘中的视频不能正确播放,应安装解码器。读者可访问http://www.techsmith.com 网站,在TechSmith官方网站中提供TSCC压缩编码程序的免费下载。在下载并正确安装解码器后,再运行本光盘教学软件,即可正确播放视频文件了。 2) 放入光盘,程序自动运行,或者执行play.exe文件。 3) 本程序运行,要求屏幕分辨率1024 ×768以上,否则程序可能显示不完全或不准确。
- VC 实现的基于VTK的MC算法. 可以自动填写阈值来调整等值面的生成.,VC based on the realization of the MC algorithm VTK. Can automatically fill in the threshold to adjust the generated isosurface.
- photon mapping的vc++程序实现,使用opengl api,模拟了光子跟踪的绘制算法-photon mapping of vc++ program implementation, the use opengl api, to simulate the photon mapping algorithm for tracking
- 2010年7月20日 ... 1.1.4 OSG组成模块通过前面的介绍已经了解,OpenSceneGraph及其扩展位于系统的API ... 通过各种第三方库的支持,OSG能够直接或间接地导入3D模型或图片等场景数据, ..... wxWidgets 强大的跨平台GUI库之一,与MFC类似,遵循LGPL协议,可以与OSG嵌合 ... 以后读者每天打开E-mail时就会看到邮件列表上的很多问题及解决方案。 -fkas afjliag afeoapgdas geragoargjio gagjragr
- 读写ply文件的matlab实现。Writes a mesh to a ply file and Reads a ply file (text format). ply files can be in binary format as we-Writes a mesh to a ply file (text format) wich can be read by PlyView from Cyberware and Scanalyze from Stanford University. Both
- cg图形编程示例程序e。-cg graphics programming examples procedures e.
- 用VRML制作简单的画廊 要安装必要的插件如:blaxxunContact51.exe 才能再ie中运行-VRML produced using simple gallery to install the necessary plug-ins such as: blaxxunContact51.exe can run again ie
- DX 纹理视屏播放,把视屏解码成一张纹理播放出来,可以一次播放一个,也可以多视屏纹理播放.-DX texture Shiping play, put into a texture decoding Shiping play out, once and play one, you can play more than Shiping texture.
- 详细介绍了VRML的编程技术,是一本难得外文电子书籍-Details of the VRML programming technology, is a rare foreign-language e-books
- java3D工具开发包。一般jdk安装后没有运行java3d的开发包。点击exe文件后即可编写和运行与java3d有关的程序。-java3D tool kit. General jdk installation is not running java3d development package. Click the exe file you can write and operation and java3d the relevant procedures.
- 用于晶体结构建模,数据可视化。可以直接读取vasp的电荷密度文件,可视化自旋电荷密度图。-VESTA is a successor to two 3D visualization programs, VICS and VEND in the VENUS package. Atoms can be drawn as ball & stick, space filling, polyhedral, stick, wireframe, thermal ellipspoids. Mouse click