- 基于快进算法的破损图像修复算法,只要将图像中的破损区域由纯红色标出,该算法即可自动完成对该区域的修复。要求修复图像格式为BMP格式。-algorithm based on fast forward damaged the image restoration algorithms, as long as the image of the region damaged by the pure red mark, The algorithm can automatically complete res
- 图像编程的交通红灯斑马线监控系统源代码的实现-images of traffic crossing the red light monitoring system source code to achieve
- 對影像中紅色點的部分,找出它的相對映的坐標,記錄下來-images of red spots, which identify the relative coordinates of the video recorded
Create ChangeBallColor
- Create an application ChangeBallColor that displays a panel. This panel will contain two buttons (one for red and one for blue). It will also display a filled in circle. When the user clicks on a button, the circle should change to that color. So
- 交通灯控制系统 模拟显示两组信号灯,每组为直行和左转红黄绿六个信号灯,一组控制东西方向,一组控制南北方向,每组各有一个计时器。-Traffic light control system simulation show that two groups of lights, each for straight and turn left six red, yellow, and green lights, a group of control of an east-west direction,
- 交通标志的分割,只限于红色类交通标志,用于交通标志识别的前期分割工作.-Segmentation of traffic signs, red category is limited to traffic signs, traffic signs used to identify pre-partition job.
- 五星红旗,wintc下编写,测试无误,我的宝贝可都上传了哈~-Five-Starred Red Flag, wintc prepared to test the accuracy, my baby may have uploaded ha ~
- make histogram RGB red green blue
- 利用随机数产生红色液体从墙壁上向下流动的效果-Using random number generator red liquid from the wall the effect of downward mobility
- 对任意多边形进行切割,求其相交部分,相交部分用红色线段标出。-draw two polygon and then they can cut each other.The color of intersected parts are red.
- 在窗口中显示出26个英文字母,从左向右字母依次位置提高10个像素单位,并且颜色变为红色,然后回到正常位置。当达到最右端后改变方向,从右向左逐渐变为红色,并且位置依次提高10个像素单位。 -In the window shows the 26 English letters, the letters from left to right, followed by location of units increased by 10 pixels, and the color turns red,
- The following codes a)convert an 8-grey scale image to a binary. b) convert a 24-bit colour image to its red channel image c)convert an 8-bit colour image to a grey-scale iamge.
- red and blue color seperation program from RGB image
- The user controls a teapot and is able to walk in the x-z plane. The user must avoid the harmful moving obstacles (red cones) and catch the good ones (green spheres). A good obstacle increments your score. A harmful obstacle halves your score if it i
- 此程序可实现如下功能,画出一个红绿灯,该红绿灯每一段时间间隔会变色,并且绿灯时间和红灯显示时间不同-This procedure enables the following functions, draw a traffic light, the traffic light will change each time interval, and the green and red display time in different time
- 反色又叫补色,红的补色是绿色,蓝的补色是橙色,黄的补色是紫色,由这三种对比关系可引出很多对比的反色。 -Also known as anti-color complementary color, complementary color is red, green, blue complementary color is orange, yellow complementary color is purple, by the contrast between these three can lea
- Rainbow Maker based on tre bands of colors yellow, red and blue, the user can move the tree bands and their grosors.-Rainbow Maker based on tre bands of colors yellow, red and blue, the user can move the tree bands and their grosors
- daolubiaozhitiqu_lunkuo可以提取红色图案的轮廓线,并将轮廓线坐标存为txt文本。压缩包里的图片可以作为例子。-"daolubiaozhitiqu_lunkuo" can extract the outlines of red pictures,and save the coordinate values into txt files.
- 彩色图像RGB空间到HSV空间的转换,理解图像。-RGB2HSV Convert red-green-blue colors to hue-saturation-value.
- 计算机图形学,C语言编程,画星形图案并填充颜色-The five-star red flag design