- 这次课程设计我选择题目是画几个国家的国旗,分别是我国的五星红旗、古巴的和多哥共和国的国旗。-this curriculum design is a topic I chose painting of the flag in several countries, namely China's five-star red flag, Cuba and the flag of the Republic of Togo.
- 利用红黑小波进行图像去噪,图像复原,并与常规的小波进行比较-use red, black and wavelet denoising images, image recovery, and with the conventional comparison of wavelet
- 线段裁剪:区域内的线段用红色标志,区域外为黑色-Line Clipping : Line in the region with red signs outside the region to the black
- 用c实现司机状态判别程序。首先对图片进行平滑处理,然后将司机红眼图片与正常图片进行相减,得出司机眼睛闭开程度从而判别司机状态。判别速度非常快,但是对图片的要求较高-c achieve drivers with the state program of the judgment. First the images were smoothed, and then the driver with the normal red-eye photo images for subtraction. come
- 1.首先将原始图档(如图三)由RGB彩色模型转换成HSI彩色模型,取其 I 亮度模型。 2.再萃取出亮度值大于0.999之部份,进行数次膨胀与侵蚀运算后,即可取得火焰部份(如图四)。 3.图四之火焰影像进行边缘运算,并找出边缘之每一点坐标,再将坐标排序,取最小值作为链码的启始点(如图五之红色星号)。 4.链码产生的方式:沿边缘依逆时针的顺序扫瞄下一个边界值,并依序输出链码(如图七)。-1. First, the original drawing (Figure 3) from R
- 识别地图里的医院红十字特殊符号,并把红色十字符号改为黑色方块,便于地图噪声聚类,为地图的后面处理铺平道路-identification maps of the Red Cross Hospital special symbols, and the Red Cross symbol changed to a black box, Clustering facilitate noise map, the map back to pave the way for treatment
- 1.几种灰度变换,分段线性化,平方变换,对数变换,平方根变换等等 2.几种滤波器,中值滤波,均值滤波等等 3.图像分割,边缘检测,轮廓提取,以及SOBEL梯度算子 4.彩色图像,红色通道,绿色通道,蓝色通道 5.图像的几何变换,图像缩放,镜像(水平镜像和垂直镜像) -1. Several gray-scale transformation, piecewise linear, square transform, the number of transformation, an
- 三维立体视觉匹配源码 Tested under windows, Visual C++ 6.0 compiler and unix (SunOS 5.8 and RedHat Linux 7.0, GNU c++ compiler). -3D visual matching source Tested under windows. Visual C + + 6.0 compiler and unix (SunOS 5.8 and Red Hat Linux 7.0, GNU compiler
- 矩阵变换实现图像畸变,分为红色畸变,蓝色畸变和绿色畸变,再分别实现校正-matrix transform image distortion, distortion is divided into red, blue and green distortion aberration, and then realize correction
- 将一张tga格式的图片读入内存,做一系列处理,分别保留红,绿,蓝分量,将rgb各分量做平均,相互交换,替换某一分量等操作,最后输出,与原图片比较-tga format will be a picture read into memory, so a series of treatment, respectively, retained the red, green and blue components, rgb components will do the average, mutual ex
- 用C++和OpenCV实现的图像方框的识别,并对方框进行标记,用红色的线标记出来。可以用于图像分割、定位等等。,Using C++ and OpenCV image box to achieve the recognition, and the box marked with a red line marked. Can be used for image segmentation, positioning and so on.
- 利用OPENCV识别图片中的颜色区域的MFC程序,共三种颜色:红、绿、蓝,OPENCV identify the use of the color picture of the MFC region, with a total of three colors: red, green, blue
- 找出人脸,会把眼睛,鼻子,用红线圈起来,用C++与OPenCV结合实现。-Identify the human face, will be the eyes, nose, with red coils, use C++ and realize OPenCV combination.
- 图像匹配,通过选定模板图像和要要匹配的图像,在要匹配的图像中用红色方框标记处匹配的区域。-Image matching, through the selected template image and want to match the image, to match the image using the red mark at the box matches the area.
- 本系统是医院中血液红细胞计数的实用系统。它主要以病人的血液样本为原始数据,通过一系列的图像处理和分析,最后识别出血液中的红细胞,同时给出红细胞的个数。-Hospital in the system are blood red blood cell count of practical systems. It is mainly the patient' s blood samples for the original data, through a series of image proc
- matlab去除红眼,用户手动绘制需要去红眼的区域,并选择参数,进行操作。-matlab remove red eye, the user need to manually draw the red-eye area, and select the parameters to operate.
- remove red eye in an image
- RED展示700_1超高清视频压缩技术 RED展示700_1超高清视频压缩技术-RED display ultra high definition video compression technology 700_1 RED display ultra high definition video compression technology 700_1
- 小波图像中的红黑小波图像去噪和红黑图像小波增强-Red and black wavelet denoising
- 实时跟踪摄像头获取视频中的红色部分,算法由Matlab实现。计算机要有摄像头或连接USB摄像头,Matlab通过自身函数提取视频跟踪。 包含两个文件,word说明了matlab提取视频方法。m文件实现算法,其中摄像头参数部分代码可能视具体情况修改。-Get real-time tracking camera video in the red part of the algorithm by Matlab implementation. Computer must have a camera