- 基于“鱼眼”的JPEG图像压缩,我毕业设计的内容。在压缩中,通过设置参数可以提高图像四周的压缩率而不破坏主体。提高压缩率- Based on \"fish eye\" JPEG image compression, my graduation project content. In the compression, may enhance picture all around compression ratio through the establishment parameter but
- 本代码的主要功能是读取DXF文件,并实现数据的存贮功能。-the main functions of the code is read DXF files, and data storage functions.
- VS2003下C#写的牛顿环,主要使用graphic绘图-Visual C# written by Newton Central, the main use of graphic drawings
- PSP上的2D开发库 JGE++ 簡介: PSP上有一個獨立的GPU, 在我們編寫遊戲時, 要是能把有關圖像處理的工作都交給GPU做, 就可以減輕主處理器的很多負擔, 令整體程序的運\作, 得到數倍的提升! JGE++ (Jas Game Engine) 就是一個利用GU 庫寫成的2D遊戲引擎, GU庫的原本用途是用作編寫3D遊戲, 我們把它應用在2D遊戲上, 就可以享用硬件加速所帶來的種種好處, 例如運\行速度的提升, 混色/半透明色效果, 圖像放大縮小和旋轉等!
- 本算法主要模拟了水平集算法,用matlab进行编写。-the algorithm to simulate the main level algorithm used for the preparation of Matlab.
- 这个程序是用ASP做的 ,主要功能是画柱状图-the procedure is done using ASP, main function is painting column
- 实现所给圆的内部的颜色填充,主要是先设置一点,再从上下左右扩充得出.-round to achieve the internal color filling, the main point is to set up first and then expand from all around come.
- 本程序实现的是二维图形的限定Delaunay的三角剖分,算法的主要思想是采用微分方程数值解法中的有限元方法对二值图像进行三角剖分,程序为二维图像重建提供一个有利的基础。-this program is limited to the two-dimensional graphics Delaunay triangulation. The main idea of this algorithm is the numerical solution of differential equations b
- 半份的文件,主要是参考矢量系统编辑的,可以实现一些圆累,线类的编程-half of the document, reference is the main vector editing systems, can achieve some round tired, linear programming
- 手机上实现的著名的RayCasting算法,当年DOOM及WOLF的主要技术。-phone achieve the famous RayCasting algorithm, WOLF Fitted year DOOM and the main technical.
- AffineTransformation computes and applies the geometric affine transformation to a 2-D image. The program main functions are: - Load Image: Load the image to be transformed. - Transform Image: Computes the transformation matrix from the transfo
- 天气云图显示要vtk库-this code supplies the main function of visualize the weather picture,and the libary files are devided from the vtk.
The PhoXo Core Library (PCL) 图像处理库
- The PhoXo Core Library (PCL) 是一套强大的跨平台图像处理库。它的主要特性包括 :* 平台无关代码* 任意区域选取* 几十种图像特效* Undo/Redo支持* 多图层* 进度显示* 直方图* 图像文件读写* 文字渲染 (目前使用WIN32-GDI+, 以后会采用FreeType替代)-The Core Library (PCL) is a powerful, cross-platform image processing library. Its main featu
- 用turboC实现的16位dos下的高色彩显示程序,想学学底层图形模式的朋友可以来看看。主要是中断的使用。-used to achieve the 16 dos, the high color display program, would like to learn the underlying graphics mode can be a friend to look at. The main use is broken.
- 在关于压缩感知的一些资料,主要是小波方法对图象以及一维信号的压缩感知,其中包括著名的沙威博士后(香港中文大学)个人程序-In some of the information on compressed sensing, the main image and the wavelet method is a one-dimensional signal compression perception, including the famous Javert postdoctoral (Chinese
- 实现DataMatrix生成2d条形码的编码和反编码-2d barcode generation to achieve DataMatrix coding and anti-coding
- 光流场HS算法,主要用的是差分算法,MATLAB编写-Optical flow field HS algorithm, the main differential algorithm
- Main function is: water.m When you call water.m it will ask which image you will watermark. blockdwt2.m - Adds the watermark logo in Wavelet domain. dmg.m - Generates watermark logo. watdet3.m - You can check the logo with that funct
a main soure code about radar with FEM
- the code use the FEM to calculate the radar wave.and the result is a 2D graph.however,because of the secret,the other code cann't be posted,but this is the main code.
- Main source code for beginning to trigger the ports in stm32F3 discovery.