- 目前该手写体识别系统主要分为 预处理模块: 主要包括训练数据和识别数据的读取,归一化,二值化 特征提取模块:主要包括笔划方向特征和网格密度特征,还可以根据对识别率的要求继续增加其他特征 识别(分类器)模块:主要包括SVM方法和BP神经网络的方法,其中SVM方法的识别率较高,SVM+网格密度特征, 在小字符集情况下,达到了识别率97%以上 采用OO思想编写,适合做二次开发-currently the handwriting recognition system consists of pretre
- bmp图形文件识别程序,包含头文件和主程序-A bmp style grapth recognision procedure,include head files and main file
- 这是一个手势识别系统。程序运行时,先根据弹出对话框的提示值修改主程序开始处的摄像头图像高和宽。重新编译后运行程序即可。如果如果弹出对话框的提示值与程序中默认的设置值相同,则不用修改。-This is a gesture recognition system. Running, first pop-up dialog box under the value suggested amending the main program began camera images high and wide.
- 该源码主要是对图像进行边缘检测和轮廓跟踪,主要应用在象人脸识别、指纹识别等这样的图像处理系统中-the main source of the image edge detection and contour tracking, as the main application in face recognition, fingerprint recognition of Image Processing System
- 人脸的检测与定位算法源码,主用是采用人脸的灰度信息进行人脸的检测,并定位鼻子眼睛和嘴-Face detection and location algorithm source code, the main use is the human face of gray information Face Detection, positioning the nose and eyes and mouth
- 本人原创的车牌字符识别,主要演示了字符切割,归一化。识别网络...简单的训练了几个库对字母和数字识别率都还不错,另外容错率相对也较好。本源码为E语言环境...,My original license plate character recognition, the main characters demonstrate cutting, normalized. Identification of network ... a simple database for training a numbe
- 搜索图书。双击运行mgbd.exe,进入程序主界面之后,将光标定位在“Book code:”后面的文本框中,按下“Ctrl+v”组合键,将剪贴板中的数据粘贴过来,单击右侧的“Check”按钮,如果看到“1 Pages”列表框中出现相关的页面信息(如图2),说明这本书能够被所识别并下载。-Search for books. Double click mgbd.exe, after entering the main program interface, position the cursor in
- 数字识别,利用模式识别中的模板匹配算法,主要实现的是车牌的数字和汉字识别-Number recognition, pattern recognition in the template matching algorithm, the main achievement is the license plate number and character recognition
- 一款简单的验证码识别工具,在初始化状态下可以进行图片的分割、学习,获取字符的特征码,并保存到INI文件中,当学习足够多图片后就能准确地识别同类型的验证码。 本程序主在提供一种分析的思路方法,如何对验证码进行分割、过滤、规格化,去除杂点是识别的关键部分,每步过程都呈现在界面上。-A simple verification code recognition tools, in the initialization state, the picture can be split, study, a
- Contourlet Toolbox (Version 2.0) Demos DECDEMO Demonstrates contourlet decomposition and reconstruction NLADEMO Demo for contourlet nonlinear approximation. NLADEMO2 Nonlinear approximation demo using only the finest scale DENOIS
- 主要讲到用vc和matlab结合使用进行图像处理和识别!-Main talked about using vc and using a combination of matlab image processing and recognition.
- 图形识别算法 可用于图形识别以及 验证码识别研究-The main part of the code uses improved Shape Context as feature descr iptor and fit into a Hough Voting framework to detect objects. It can be used for initial hypothesis proposal. I hope you find this code helpful!
- 自己写的关于图像检索的小程序,附检索图片200幅,主要结合了使用opencv-His book on the small image retrieval process, attached to retrieve the image 200, the main with the use of opencv
- 主要程序模块包括: (1) 鼠标事件捕获:对点击鼠标左键、拖动鼠标、松开左键等动作进行跟踪。 (2) 鼠标坐标捕获:把捕获的鼠标事件:点击左键、拖动鼠标、松开左键作为一组输入的图形,记录下图形的坐标轨迹。 -Main program modules include: (1) to capture mouse events: on the left mouse button, drag the mouse, release the left to track such act
- 用C语言写的一个指纹识别系统。这是其中的主要核心代码-Using C language to write a fingerprint identification system. This is one of the main core code
- visual c++ 主要实现功能是:角点检测(利用opencv).-visual c++ main function is to: corner detection (using opencv).
- 很好的人脸识别的源码,主要采用hmm原理-Very good face recognition source code, the main principle of the use of hmm
- BGA PCB的机器视觉檢測 一个台湾的实际视觉识别项目的技术文档 耀文電子廠商委託案,其主要是要計算出電路版中孔的位置 先前設計:手動操作的程式。 更新:讓電腦來自動量測。 -BGA PCB testing machine vision a practical visual recognition of Taiwan s technical documentation project commissioned case Yaowen electronics
- 此程序主要功能是人脸的检测与定位,并对人脸特征进行标记与特征值的计算-This procedure is the main functions of face detection and location, and facial feature tagged with eigenvalue calculation
- 用于目标识别的线性辨别分析主程序,尤其是多目标识别的应用。-Target identification for the linear analysis to identify the main program, in particular, many object recognition applications.