- /* ---Author: zhg 2006.12.20 E-mail: wudazhg@163.com 说明:在此程序包中包含ZHG-BMP-MAKER(ZHG制图工具)的部分文件(源),仅作为对原工具软件包的补充。 -/ * --- Author : zhg 2006.12.20 E-mail : wudazhg@163.com : In this package contains ZHG - BMP-MAKER (ZHG mapping tools) the nu
- 一个小小的算法供大家参考、 如果有可能可以给我电子邮件 谢谢!-a little algorithm for your reference, if I may be able to e-mail, thank you!
- 这是一个小小的程序,供大家参考,如果可以可给我发电子邮件 kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn 谢谢!-This is a small procedure, for your reference, if I can e-mail to kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn Thank you!
- 供大家参考,如果可以可给我发电子邮件 kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn 谢谢!-for your reference, if I can e-mail to kaximoduo2003@yahoo.com.cn Thank you!
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- The JasPer software license has been made slightly less restrictive. Now, JasPer can be used without the JPEG-2000 support included. This had always been the intention of the JasPer Contributors, but the original wording failed to make clear that suc
- e-mail:cproom@163.net 计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。由于精力有限,未对原码做任何注释。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做通用处理。-e-mail: cproom@163.net computer graphics programming practice, including painting a straight line, anti-aliased line,
- 自己编写的直线两点式图像绘制函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com-I have written two-point line drawing functions, file with instructions for use// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mail: iamchernic@gmai
- 自己编写的图像X轴坐标用π的分数显示函数,文件已带使用说明//编 写 人:Chernic//学 校:广州大学//联系邮箱:iamchernic@gmail.com-I have written the image X axis with π score display function, file with instructions for use// Write the person: Chernic// School: Guangzhou University// Contact E-mai
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