- AMV精灵/AMV助手常见问题收集(最全 最好的AMV问题大全) 前言:自AMV精灵/AMV助手今年3月发布以来,在各大下载站都名列前茅。有许多热心的网友都给我发来邮件,提供了许多的建议和问题。在这里,本篇文章收集了常见问题以及解决方法,方便大家查询。 -AMV Wizard / AMV Help FAQ collection (most of the best all issues Solutions AMV) Introduction : Since AMV Wizard / AM
- 直方图修正和彩色变换 命令行编译过程如下 vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl colorope.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib 注意事项: 运行时,文件c:\\test.bmp必须存在 -color histogram amendments and command line compiler transformation process following vcvars32 mail c bmp.rc l coloro
- 该代码包括从CCD+采集卡采集到的视频,转成opencv的iplimage格式,在跟踪方面用到了camshift,我做过一个自动的跟踪也是基于此算法的,有需要的朋友可以发e-mail给我,大家多多交流吧。-code from the CCD acquisition card processing of video, conversion opencv iplimage the format used in tracking the camshift. I conducted an automat
- 行程编码,JPEG压缩编码(基本系统) 命令行编译过程如下 vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl compress.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib-itinerary coding, JPEG coding (basic system) command line compiler process following vcvars32 mail c bmp.rc l compress.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.l
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- 自己写得K均值算法,请大家多多指教,有问题可以邮箱联系-Write their own K-means algorithm, please more advice, there are problems can be linked-mail
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- 本程序可以将单个的bmp文件转换成单个的gif文件-this program can convert single bmp to single gif format ,if you make any improvement please send me to the e-mail in the Readme file .
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