- 在vc下 实现图像处理算法和数据结构的分离 使代码具有更好的移植和可维护-under the vc image processing algorithms and data structures so that the separation is a better code porting and maintenance
- 用贴图的方法实现工业控制开关转换,可能会对做自控方面的工程师又参考作用哦。-mapping method used in industrial control switched, may be controlled so the engineers have drawn role oh.
Affine Transformation02
- The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting t
- 图像处理二值化,利用模板匹配可以在一幅图象中找到已知的物体。比如抓拍到了一张射门的照片,要在该照片中找到足球的位置。这时就可以采用模板匹配的方法。所谓模板匹配,其实想法很简单:拿已知的模板(在本例中为足球的图象),和原图象中同样大小的一块区域去对。-binary image processing and using template matching the image to find a known object. For example, snapped a shot of the phot
- 该程序是水印提取的简单例子,但可读性很强,适合初做水印和小波的朋友,-The watermark extraction procedure is a simple example, but it is eminently readable, so for the early watermark and wavelet friends, huh
- 本软件具备基本的图象处理功能,如锐化,雕刻,对比度等等,是你学习图象处理的入门源码!-the software with basic image processing functions, such as sharpening, sculpture, contrast and so on, you learn image processing entry source!
- 本人收集的关于c实现图像处理常用算法,包括Hough变换,雕刻技术,灰度均衡,图像的3D灰度显示,拉普拉斯高斯边缘检测等等,-I collected on c achieve common image processing algorithms, including the Hough transform, carving, gray balance, 3D gray-scale images, Laplace Gaussian edge detection and so on.
- 按照教科书上编写的基本图像处理功能,包括二值化、滤波、变换、边缘检测等等。-textbooks prepared in accordance with the basic image processing functions, including two values, filter, transform, edge detection and so on.
- 使用VB.net编写的对24位位图进行简单图像处理的程序,包括RGB与YIQ数据的相互变换,绘制亮度分布统计图,拉普拉斯滤波。 该程序是我学习图像处理算法是编写的,因此在操作界面方面的考虑较少,你可以按照以下步骤操作:选择一个文件后单击读取BMP文件,然后就可以单击“根据RGB数据绘图”,接着可以单击“RGB to YIQ”将RGB数据转化为YIQ数据,有了YIQ数据后就可以单击“绘制YIQ数据的Y分量”,对于YIQ数据,可以使用拉普拉斯滤波,然后再将Y分量显示出来-use VB.net p
- 图像加模糊算法,此算法可以在一幅图像上添加模糊。。就这样吧-Image fuzzy algorithm, the algorithm can be added to a fuzzy image. . So be it
- PCL mini库一套小巧,易用的图像处理库,它的全部源代码由.h组成,因此您不需编译它,只需要在您的程序中包含 PCL_Mini_Header.h 即可使用。-PCL for a mini compact, easy-to-use image processing library, it's all the source code from. H composition, so you need to compile it. you only need to include the p
- 一个图像处理集合的VC源代码,包括平滑、锐化、边缘增强、Hough Sobel边缘检测、傅立叶变换、腐蚀、膨胀、边缘提取等等。-a set of image processing VC source code, including smoothing, sharpening, edge enhancement, Hough Sobel edge detection, Fourier transform, corrosion, swelling, edge extraction and so on
- 一个简单的图像变换程序的VC++源代码 可以实现包括旋转、剪裁、镜像、缩放等等功能。-a simple procedure Image Transform VC source code can be achieved, including rotation, tailoring, mirroring, zooming and so on.
- 直方图修正——包括转为256色位图、灰度化、反色等等功能-histogram amendments -- including 256 to color bitmap, grayscale, color and so on -
- 很好的一组图象处理源程序,都已经编好了,拿过来就能用的。边缘检测,腐蚀,图象匹配,图象压缩,直方图修正-well as handling a Reuters source, have a good series, as it was can use. Edge detection, corrosion, and image matching, image compression, and so on histogram amendment
- 本例演示如何实现会变色的按钮。所谓会变色的按钮指的是当鼠标点击按钮后,按钮颜色会发生变化-the cases will demonstrate how to change the buttons. The so-called button will change color when referring to the mouse click on the button, the button will change color
- 基于MFC的二值化处理,做数字图像处理中有重要的作用。-based on the two values MFC processing, digital image processing so it had an important role.
- 软件名称: 车牌识别模块开发包 CubicPlate SDK 试用版 最新版本: 1.2 文件大小: 2.05M 软件性质: 图像处理 使用平台: Win2K/XP 发布公司: CubicImage Software Co.,Ltd. 上海名图软件有限公司 下载网址: http://www.cubicimage.com 软件简介 CubicPlate 是当前最高速的车牌识别核心模块,识别一帧图像仅3毫秒。 由上海名图软件有限公司CubicImage Softwar
- 里面有很多C++编的特效,觉得很有用,和大家一起分享-There are so many C series of the effects, feel useful, and share with everyone
- 图像变换处理源代码。包括平滑、锐化、灰度、增强等。基于VC++6.0编译,无需任何改动。-images transform source code. Includes Smooth, Sharpen, gray and so on. Based on VC 6.0 compiler, without any changes.