- 利用OpenCV对视频进行处理,尝试打开本电脑上的摄像头作为视频输入设备,或者将命令行的输入参数作为文件名来打开的视频文件。不管是哪一种方法,最后都是不断的循环处理一帧一帧地处理,涉及到的图像处理有背景擦除,平滑滤波,二值化等。-Using OpenCV to process the video, try to open the computer input device as a video camera, or the command line input parameters as the
- 以上程序为Point Grey公司的双目摄像头的实例程序,所以已经通过编译 可放心下载-Above procedures for Point Grey' s binocular camera example program, so the compiler can be assured through the download has been
- 基于opencv1.0和vc++6.0编写的静态链接库,包含cvL.lib,cxcoreL.lib和highgui.lib,很好的将程序和库文件分离开,方便大家编写opencv程序。-And vc++6.0 based opencv1.0 write static link library, contains cvL.lib, cxcoreL.lib and highgui.lib, very good program and library files will be separated so
- 在vc++6.0环境下运用opencv,使用中值滤波的方法检测运动的物体,如机动车辆、行人、烟雾等。-In vc++6.0 environment, the use opencv, using the median filtering method to detect moving objects, such as motor vehicles, pedestrians, smoke and so on.
- 使用opencv对视频进行处理 可以播放、暂停 停止等还带滑动条着手动控制-Using opencv on the video processing can play, pause stop and so also with a slider bar with manual control
- Opencv实例源代码,包括数字图像处理,视频跟踪算法和模式识别算法的源代码-Opencv Example Source Code, that include haarcascade, blobtrack,delaunay and so on.
- 這個是教你如何把從攝影機抓到的影像儲存成video-This tutorial shows how to capture a sequence of images from a camera and convert them to a video using ffmpeg. We make sure to measure the capture frame rate so that we can tell ffmpeg how fast the video should run.
- 国外的一个做人脸直线化的代码,能够对人脸和汽车图片进行直线化。-Many recognition algorithms depend on careful positioning of an object into a canonical pose, so the position of features relative to a fixed coordinate system can be examined. Generally, this positioning is done eithe
- 国外的一个进行图像图形直线化的代码,能够对人脸和汽车图片进行直线化处理。-Many recognition algorithms depend on careful positioning of an object into a canonical pose, so the position of features relative to a fixed coordinate system can be examined. Generally, this positioning is done
- 用opencv实现的图像小波变换及反变换代码,可用于图像去噪、多分辨率分析等方面。-Opencv achieved with wavelet transform and inverse transform the image code can be used for image denoising, multi-resolution analysis and so on.
- 计算机视觉教程,来自北大的郭平教授亲自传授,让您早就睡觉视觉的世界里游刃有余-Computer Vision Tutorials, from Peking University Professor Guo Ping personally teach, so you go to bed early visual world its capability to
- 我把OpenCV的可以放到Qt里面了,这个可以直接修改用。OpenCV的HighGUI也可以用,总不是那么放心。-I can put Qt OpenCV' s inside, and this can modify the use. OpenCV' s HighGUI can also be used, not always so assured.
- 在vs2008下配置opencv,使.jpg格式图像反色-In vs2008 configure opencv, so. Jpg format images inverted
- 承接上一本,第三本,呵呵,凑合着看吧,好东西大家共享之-it is so good that I have to upload all of them
- opencv终极版,终于传完了,希望对大家有帮助-it is so good that I have to upload all of them
- 第二本学习OPENCV的书籍,承接上一本,也很经典-it is so good that I have to upload all of them
- 用OpenCV实现多种形状图像生成的演示,包括:矩形、圆、线段、多边形、填充的多边形以及写字等-Achieve a variety of shapes using OpenCV image generation presentation, including: rectangle, circle, line, polygon, polygon fill, and writing, and so
- 简单的几个opencv函数处理,包括边缘检测,高斯滤波,canny算子等。-Opencv functions of several simple processing, including edge detection, Gaussian, canny operator and so on.
- 使用opencv去掉二值化图像中黑色面积较小的连通域。 程序中语句 tmparea = fabs(cvContourArea(contour)) 可以得到当前连通域的面积,当此面积小于阈值时对其填充为白色。 rect = cvBoundingRect(contour,0) 得到的是框住连通域的最小矩形,对矩形中的黑色部分将其填充为白色,但是这样的话,连通域6和4两个连通域被填充成了白色的矩形,这显然不符合我们的要求,这样就要判断此连通域是黑色联通域还是白色连通域,采用的方法是测试矩
- 梯度直方图,行人跟踪,用到了opencv-Gradient histogram, pedestrian tracking, and so used the opencv