- 指纹识别的一个小程序,希望大家一起交流一下,有什么问题请及时和我联系!-Fingerprint Identification of a small procedure, I hope all of us can share that any problem in a timely and please contact me!
- 在网上找的一个图像处理源码,大家分享!如果有什么问题可以与我联系-the Internet to find a source image processing, to share with you! If there is any problem with my contact
- 倾心奉献RLE编码,请各位同行参与讨论,如有问题请联系。-sincere dedication RLE encoding, please peer participation in the discussion, please contact if there are questions.
- 电子验印核心代码v7.2 102 1、C++ Builder6.0 2、先安装Package Twain32 3、在BC6中加载工程yanyin.bpr即可 4、内核有协议限制且在自动验印时会弹出信息提示窗口。非常抱歉这 些限制可能会给您带来演示的不便,所以另提供了demo.exe的演示 程序。该程序没有以上的限制。 5、如果您对我的内核感兴趣,请联系: 联系人:李建国 msn:ljg-msn@hotmail.com QQ:757412868
- PIM Fusion provides secure, web based distributed information management. Capabilities include: file browsing, searching and archiving, document search capabilities (PDF, Word docs, PowerPoint, etc), a web calendar, image gallery, and contact manager
- 矢量中值滤波器(Vector Median Filter) 考虑彩色图像三个分量之间的联系。, Vector Median Filter (Vector Median Filter) consider color images of the contact between the three subscales.
- Ransac拟合直线和最小二乘法拟合的比较,对初次接触ransac的读者帮助很大-Ransac fitting straight line and the least-squares fitting of the comparison, the initial contact with the readers of great help to ransac
- 主要是关于模糊熵的,里面还和灰色关联度有点联系。搞图像的应该可以看的懂的。-Mainly on fuzzy entropy, which has little contact and the gray. Should be able to read out the image of understand.
- 一个打开图片并将其转变为黑白图片的程序及其工程文件。需要预安装OpenCV。若有任何问题联系chenxiang@cad.zju.edu.cn-Open a picture and convert it into a black-and-white picture of the process and its engineering documents. Need to pre-install OpenCV. If you have any questions contact chenxiang@
- 主动视觉的摄像机标定程序,基于马颂德的立体视觉标定方法,测试程序可再与我联系!-Active Vision camera calibration procedure, based on Ma Songde Calibration Method for Stereo Vision, testing procedures can contact me!
- 数字图像处理课件(英文差莫下) 最近开始搞图像的算法了,有需要这方面文章的朋友请与我联系。 祝大家天天开心@ -Digital image processing software [under the English poor Mo] has recently begun to engage in image algorithm, and there is a need in this area please contact the Friend of the article
- 这是在荷兰埃因霍温科技大学peater教授指导下做得图形识别寻找,在一堆图形中寻找圆形,多边形等图像,理论较为简单,适合与刚开始接触Mathematic的同志们。-This is the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands under the guidance of Professor peater done looking for pattern recognition, in a pile of graphics loo
- MATLAB图像界面设计,实现可视化效果,非常好用-MATLAB image contact surface design, realization visualization effect, extremely easy to use
- opencv和MFC结合编制的两个图像处理界面,直接打开导入图像,便可以得到多钟处理效果,边缘检测,图像变换等。-opencv and the MFC union establishment s two imagery processing contact surface, opens directly inducts the image, then may obtain the multi-clock processing effect, the marginal check, the pic
- Here is some more demo code. It s not the hottest stuff ever made, quite simple most of it - but you will find a fast vector-box, wildly rotating full-screen pictures and a nifty starwars scroller. Also a very simple (but fast and easy to expand) wol
- 应该有用用于处理方面的 希望有用 还有就是如果不够可以联系我-Should be useful for the treatment useful in the hope that if there is not enough to contact me
- 这是在智能视频处理关于目标跟踪的文章,对接触目标跟踪的有一定参考价值。-This is the smart video processing on the goal of tracking articles, on contact with target tracking in a certain reference value.
- 本程序实现了两幅影像在已知了重叠区域后的拼接功能,采用最小二乘法来调节两幅影像的色差,相关系数法来寻找最佳镶嵌边,并对镶嵌边采用内插处理得到联系的镶嵌线-This program implements two images overlap known regions of the splicing function, using least squares method to adjust the two color images, the correlation coefficient met
- 一个很小的程序,可以提供包括画直线,矩形,圆角矩形,以及多边形的功能可以作为VC图形图像初接触者的参考 -A small program that can provide, including drawing a straight line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, and polygon features can be used as first contact VC graphic images of reference
- 腐蚀:用某种探针对一个图像进行探测,以便找出图像内部可以放下该基元的区域。他是一种消除边界点,使边界点向内部收缩的过程,可以用来消除小而且无意义的物体。 膨胀:将与物体接触的所有背景点合并到该物体中,使边界向外部扩张,膨胀对填补图像分割后物体的空洞很有用。 开运算:对图像先腐蚀再膨胀。通常用来消除小对象物、在纤细点处分离物体、平滑较大物体的边界的同时并不明显改变其体积等。 闭运算:对图像先膨胀再腐蚀。通常用来填充目标内细小孔洞、连接断开的临近目标、平滑其边界的同时并不明显改变其面积。