- 外国人写的一个Picseer,检测还是比较准确地,有兴趣的可以和我联系,douzsh@163.com-foreigners write a Picseer, detection or more accurately, interested can contact me and douzsh@163.com
- 指纹图像二值化的一个程序。还不错,可以下来参考下。有问题的给我联系。-two fingerprint images value of a procedure. Was pretty good, can refer to the next down. Problems to contact me.
- :利用机器视觉技术建立圆形零件检测系统,采用简单高效的标定方法和亚像素技术实现对圆孔和圆形零件的非接触精密测量-: The use of machine vision technology to build a circular parts detection system, a simple and efficient calibration methods and technology to achieve sub-pixel on the round hole and round part
- 由于本人最近研究人脸识别,收集的一些名校的博士硕士论文,全部是08年到09年的,具有很大的参考价值,如需要图像处理模式识别类的材料,请联系shuqin87@163.com-Because I study of face recognition has recently collected a number of prestigious doctoral master' s thesis, all of 2008 to 2009, and has great reference value,
- 由于本人最近研究人脸识别,收集的一些名校的博士硕士论文,全部是08年到09年的,具有很大的参考价值,如需要图像处理模式识别类的材料,请联系shuqin87@163.com-Because I study of face recognition has recently collected a number of prestigious doctoral master' s thesis, all of 2008 to 2009, and has great reference value,
- 由于本人最近研究人脸识别,收集的一些名校的博士硕士论文,全部是08年到09年的,具有很大的参考价值,如需要图像处理模式识别类的材料,请联系shuqin87@163.com-Because I study of face recognition has recently collected a number of prestigious doctoral master' s thesis, all of 2008 to 2009, and has great reference value,
- 这是做车牌识别必备的实验素材,包括各类车牌,供大家使用,还有好多,需要请联系-It is necessary to do license plate recognition test material, including various types of license plates for everyone to use, there are many needs, please contact
- This source code for recognize character . using matlab enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com-This is source code for recognize character . using matlab enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com
- 网上下载的字符识别源代码,目的是将一幅图像中的数字识别出来。编译通过,但是生成.exe文件时出错。请高手下载后指点指点,联系邮箱zzyy72002@163.com-Download the source code of the character recognition, the aim was an image of the figure identified. Compiles, but generates. Exe file an error. Please download master
- RFID射频识别是一种非接触式的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无须人工干预,可工作于各种恶劣环境。RFID技术可识别高速运动物体并可同时识别多个标签, 操作快捷方便。-Radio Frequency Identification RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology, which RF signal automatic target recognition and access t
- 本程序用于计算两个矢量图形的相似程度。 对于图形形状相似性问题,本程序满足了五个基本要求: 1.对于任意两个图形的相似程度必须得出一个量化的结果,在此称为图形相似度。 2.对图形形状的检测必须忽略 大小、旋转、轴对称、连线顺序的影响。 3.对于相同的图形,形状相似度必须为1;对于不相同的图形,形状相似度必须小于1。 4.两个图形的形状相似度必须与其相似程度成严格单调性,即对于同一个基准图形,越相似的图形相似度越高,越不相似的图形相似度越低。 5.必须能在可接受的时间与空间
- lbp implementation for face detection in visual studio c++. if you need support please contact me for further information
- 本人拥有该身份证识别的源码,纯C语言编写,代码可读性很强,是经过商业应用的源码,现将该demo上传,有兴趣的人可与我联系qq:584271656或邮箱kxj_1987@sina.com.cn-I have identified the source of the identity card, written in pure C code very readable, source code is the result of commercial applications, now upload
- 掌握有穷状态自动机的概念,其存储表示及其与正则文法的联系输入:任意的正则文法 输出:相应的有穷状态自动机 识别有穷状态自动机是确定的还是非确定的 以相应的五元组形式输出-Control finite state machine concept, the store said its relationship with regular grammars contact input: any regular grammar Output: the corresponding finite sta
- 使用FSGRKit 做为手绘图形识别引擎;WTL做为图形界面 VS2005 可以编译通过 如需FSGRKit库,请联系作者-To use FSGRKit as the hand-painted pattern recognition engine WTL as a graphical interface VS2005 For more information, please contact the author FSGRKit library can be compiled
- 通过识别一系列图像的变形得到物体的应力和应变。可以应用在试件试验中的非接触测量-Deformation of the identification of a series of images obtained by the stress and strain of the object. Non-contact measurement can be applied in the specimen test
- 使用大恒图像采集卡进行轮胎图像采集,利用VC++2005 采用WTL界面框架开发一个简单的轮胎表面标记的采集与识别系统。首先采用灰度化和直方图均衡化方法实现图像预处理,然后采用OTSU阈值分割方法实现图像的二值化,在二值图像基础上,采用阈值面积消去法(空穴检出)实现图像去噪处理,并采用径向投影方法实现字符分割,最后采用模板匹配方法实现轮胎表面标记的识别。-This research uses DaHeng image gathering card to carry on tire image g
- 雷达功能仿真程序,有需要的可以看一看,有什么问题及时联系-Function of radar simulation program, can be in need to have a look, what s the problem timely contact
- 运用New-Rapshon方法计算线接触常温弹流润滑程序,很好的-The use of New Rapshon method to calculate line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication under normal temperature program, very good
- 我初次接触到压缩方法实验的JPEG压缩算法源代码,用matlab编写的(I first come into contact with the compression method experiment of JPEG compression algorithm source code, using matlab)