- 进程调度模拟程序 这里没有任何的API调用 只是模拟,我给进程设定了自己的语法,输入一般的字符cpu调用时只是正常输出,如果遇到 $ 表示该进程要调用系统资源后面必须跟一个数字表示占有的时间,如果资源闲置则占有资源否则阻塞,等资源释放在占有资源。进程的调用算法我采用的是时间片轮转算法并有所改进,当某个进程从阻塞队列释放后,他将把以前因为等待资源而被浪费的时间补回来。-scheduling process simulation program here no API calls only simu
- Basic Compression Library by Marcus Geelnard Release 1.2.0 2006-07-22 Introduction The Basic Compression Library is a library of well known compression algorithms implemented in portable ANSI C code. For more information about
- Student status management system is development two aspects that typical information management system, IMS( MIS), its development includes primarily the background database creates with support and the front end applies the procedure.Creates to rise
- 自适应算术编码 C语言This package was adapted from the program in \"Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression\", by Ian H. Witten-adaptive arithmetic coding C language This package was adapted from t he program in "Arithmetic Coding for Data Compr ession &
- 很好 立刻仪用 需要的人 都可以来下载 下载了要给点说民、哦-immediately Instrument good people in need can also download the people said he should be, oh
- 本代码为LZW算法的C语言实现程序,他在此基础上加入了霍夫曼算法的优点-the LZW algorithm code for the C language procedure, he joined the basis of the merits of the algorithm Hoffman
zong-he-pai-xu 利用随机函数产生N个随机整数
- 利用随机函数产生N个随机整数(20000以上),对这些数进行多种方法进行排序。 至少采用三种方法实现上述问题求解-Generated using random function of N random integers (20000), the number of these sort a variety of methods. At least three ways to achieve these problem-solving
- HE-AAC 解码算法的matlab代码,包含各种测试文件,可以运行测试 验证的。-High efficient AAC decoder,wihch compitable with mepg2-aac and mpeg4-aac, also including different types of testing files,you can run the progtam and test it.
- 5秒内强行关机,发给别人,只要他打开,就强行关机。。。时间可改-Within 5 seconds to force shutdown, issued to others, as long as he turned on the forced shutdown. . . Time can be changed
- 这是一个PB制作的摄像头监控小软件,他利用摄像头拍照、录像功能于一体的小软件,目前摄像头监控可以实现实时对摄像头采集到的信息进行监控 定时抓拍照片、定时录像 设置摄像头采集信息的各种参数,如:采集照片大小,流量,录像后的文件是否压缩以及压缩方式等-This is a PB-production camera monitoring software, he used the camera to take pictures, video functions in one software, surv
- 设计时钟,自己写的,有问题可以联系我。我QQ1043742270-The design of the clock that he wrote, there are problems I can contact. I QQ1043742270
- 很好用的一个哈夫曼编码译码 自己已经通过运行 希望大家可以把它修改得更好-Huffman used a very good codec by running he had hope that we can modify it even better
- C++ Interface Class This C++ code is intended to be a tutorial. It is an extension of the idea presented in Item 42 of Scott Meyer s "Effective C++", 2nd Edition. In his discussion he creates a generic stack class to contain pointers-to-objects. Hi
- 这是老师送我们的他多年来开发的工具包,包括date\io\array\net等的处理-This is the teacher sent us over the years, he developed a toolkit, including the date \ io \ array \ net address, etc.
- 一个简单的文档的程序,希望有帮助了,-A simple document of the process, hope to have helped, He He
- usb232驱动高校毕业生就业,教育部等相关部门2009年出台了多项措施。一是加大促进就业工作力度,形成长效机制。二是扩大各类项目吸纳高校毕业生的规模。三是积极开辟高校毕业生就业的新渠道,探索实施大学生社区就业计划、农村基层卫生人才服务计划等就业项目。四是大力推进高校毕业生自主创业,出台鼓励自主创业的新政策。五是全面提升毕业生就业指导服务水平,加强职业发展与就业指导课程建设,不断提-usb232 driven employment of college graduates, the Minist
- 这是一个基于ActiveX技术的OpenGL控件,他可以在ie浏览器中运行,可以在VB中引用。不过现在还除了简单的演示外,还没有任何功能。但不久我将用这个技术开发一些仪表控件,希望大家喜欢。-This is based on ActiveX technology, OpenGL controls, he can run in the ie browser, you can reference in VB. But now apart from a simple demonstration, bu
- 该程序可以帮助用户导入shape文件,但是用户必须在指定位置键入shp问件的路径及文件名-This programme helps the accountants to input the shape but he should write the correct path in the corresponding location in the code
- This program converts a plain TXT file to a plain text PDF file with compression. There is a file that I did not write in the project, a freeware ZLIB wrapper by Richard W. Frost (1998). However he used a .lib file while I use a consolidated .c file
- 我是个C语言的初学者,于是就用C写了个基于哈夫曼树的文件压缩程序,希望大家多提意见,解压程序正在实现中。-I am a C language for beginners, so he wrote with C Huffman tree-based file compression program, I hope you speak up, extract the program is implementation.