- 摁。。大家看看马。。比较好用。的一个你们看看马。。。好用的虎 给我讲下。我会加油努力的。 -Press. . Take a look at the horse. . Useful comparison. You take a look at a horse. . . Useful to me under Tiger. I will fuel efforts.
- 7-Zip 是一款号称有着现今最高压缩比的压缩软件,不用多说,只要从这个源码包就可以看出(解压缩后有37.6 M)。本人将它的控制台版本和自解压模块进行了翻译,以方便广大人民群众使用!同时更换了些图标使用惯了 WinRAR 的用户更习惯。推荐使用 vs2005 或 vs2008 编译。-7-Zip is a known today has the highest compression ratio of compression software, Needless to say, as long
- * This a Optical-Character-Recognition program Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Joerg Schulenburg This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free So
- 虚拟万用表4060模拟,你可以看看的哦!对你绝对有用的!-Virtual analog multimeter 4060, you can look at the oh! I' ll never be useful!
- i am a computer prog at india
- 重写的经典huffman算法,本类融合了快速排序,插入排序,压缩阶段:每个assic从根递归写入一个DWORD中,当写满DWORD的32位的时候,写入一次内存压缩快>然后循环 解压过程:每次读取一个DWORD长度数据再反响循环&过滤该从左还是右子树进行还原当到达叶节点时候,读取对应节点的assic编码 再加压与解压末尾时候会出现不满足4个字节的数据,我把它们简称为补码,用来效验最终文件大小.-Huffman algorithm rewrite the classic blend o
- Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is an optical, non-contact method to measure full-field displacements and strains. The only requirement is that the test specimen has a random speckle pattern on its surface, either generated by the experimentalist (i.
- 有需要用430作为单片机做水温控制系统的朋友可以看看这份材料,本人亲自调试过,完美-There is a need to use 430 as a single-chip temperature control system you can look at this material, I personally debugging, and perfect