- 很管用的GIS控件,对于进行GIS开发的人员很有帮助,第一次发请多关照-very effective GIS component for GIS development for the staff helpful, first made news conference for the
- 迁移学习的经典文章,大多为国际顶级会议论文-Transfer of learning classic articles, most of the international top-level Conference Papers
- 计算机视觉及模式识别国际会议(CVPR) 2007 大会报告:Combined segmentation and recognition-Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition International Conference (CVPR) 2007 report to the General Assembly: Combined segmentation and recognition
- Trajectory Pattern Mining-This software is an implementation of the T-Pattern mining algorithm. Reference paper is "Trajectory Pattern Mining", by F. Giannotti, M. Nanni, D. Pedreschi and F. Pinelli, published on KDD 2007 conference. This soft
- Alexander Strehl的CLUSTER ENSEMBLE算法----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLUSTERENSEMBLE README Alexander Strehl Version 1.0 2002-04-20 -------------------------------------------------------------------
- 一些分类的研究性的文章 基本都是世界顶级会议的 多半为文本分类-Some classification of research articles are basically most of the world top conference for text classification
- 多个神经网络论文 word格式 会议论文-Word format of multiple neural network papers conference papers
- 这里有一份比较全的计算机视觉、模式识别的国际会议列表(日历形式),已经从2011年排到了2014年,ICIP、CVPR、ICCV、BMVC等知名会议都在表上,从事相关领域研究的人可以参考。另外还有一份中国计算机学会推荐的人工智能、模式识别领域的国际会议列表。-Here is a relatively full of computer vision, pattern recognition list of the International Conference on (calendar form
- TinyGP是一个用java实现的遗传编程程序,它实现了遗传编程基本过程-TinyGP is a highly optimised GP system that was originally developed by Riccardo Poli to meet the specifications set out in the TinyGP competition of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 200
- 一种子空间聚类的算法,此算法属于子空间聚类算法-a monte caro algorithm for fast projective clustering,C. M. Procopiuc, M. Jones, P. K. Agarwal and T. M. Murali, Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data
- ICCV2011国际会议中最新提出的语义SFM算法源码。-The source code of the latest semantic SFM algorithm proposed at ICCV2011 International Conference.
- 介绍数据挖掘的10种主要算法及其应用 一种透过数理模式来分析企业内储存的大量资料,以找出不同的客户或市场划分,分析出消费者喜好和行为的方法。 -Top 10 algorithms in data mining his paper presents the top 10 data mining algorithms identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in December 2006:
- C codes and simulation examples for the ANFIS by Jang (Absolutely original version )-This attached file contains C code and simulation examples for the ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System) architecture proposed in [1,2]. Related
- computer vision领域近5年的top5期刊和会议文献统计表(09-13)-computer vision field for nearly five years top5 journals and conference papers Tables (09-13)
- 国际顶级会议机器学习中的好文章,推荐给做机器学习的同志-paper in international top conference:ICML, strongly recommend it to those working in machine learning
- 国际会议NIPS中的好文章,值得推荐给大家,,是关于神经网络方面的最新进展-it is a paper in top international conference:NIPS, new research frontier in neuro network
- 非参数政策梯度的napping机制的java代码参考文献:Qing Da, Yang Yu, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. Napping for Functional Representation of Policy. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 14), Paris, France, 2014.-This
- One-Pass AUC 优化的matlab代码。参考文献:Wei Gao, Rong Jin, Shenghou Zhu and Zhi-Hua Zhou. One-Pass AUC Optimzation. In: Proceedings of the 30th International conference on Machine Learning (ICML 13), Atlanta, GA, 2013, JMLR: W&CP 28(3), pp.906-914. -This pa
- 多模多实例多类标LDA的代码。参考文献:C.-T. Nguyen, D.-C. Zhan, and Z.-H. Zhou. Multi-modal image annotation with multi-instance multi-label LDA. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 13), Beijing, China, 2013.
- OptaPlanner是一个轻型嵌入式优化的规划引擎,可以解决雇员排班、日程调度、课程表、车间调度等问题。-OptaPlanner is a lightweight, embeddable planning engine that optimizes planning problems. It solves use cases, such as: Employee shift rostering: timetabling nurses, repairmen, ... Agen