- 我用matlab写的一个corner detector, 效果比现在流行的harris,susan,CSS等效果要好。 Algorithm is derived from: X.C. He and N.H.C. Yung, Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector with Adaptive Threshold and Dynamic Region of Support , Proceedings of the 17th International Co
- 采用3D Bresenham算法在两点间划一直线 % This program is ported to MATLAB from: % B.Pendleton. line3d - 3D Bresenham s (a 3D line drawing algorithm) % ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume26/line3d, 1992 % % Which is referenced by: % F
- 出自较新的国际会议论文的图像去噪算法实现。对自然图像的去噪非常有效,即可以自己实际使用,也可以进一步研究学习。-From a relatively new international conference papers realize the image denoising algorithm. Denoising of natural images are very effective, that is their actual use, can also further study.
shading calib matlab
- This is the Matlab implementation of the algorithm described in "Camera Shading Calibration Using a Spatially Modulated Field" by Johann A. Schoonees and G. Terry Palmer, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing
- 这是最简洁,注释得最好的HOG(Histogram Oriented Gradient)算法的matlab实现。可用于行人识别和物体跟踪。-This code is well commented, which enables the adjusting of the HOG parameters. This code was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, Trainable
- 一篇很好的关于如何利用MATLAB软件对伽罗华域中的向量进行各种计算的文献-A good conference on how to use MATLAB to compute vector of Galois field
- verify the idea of Single Image Haze removal Using Dark Channel prior, which is the best paper of CVPR in 2009 conference.
- A MATLAB implementation of Fingerprint Image Enhancement based on the approach proposed by Kale, Manza, and Humbe in "Fingerprint Image Enhancement using Composite Method," In Proceedings GSPx-2005 Pervasive Signal Processing Conference. -A MATL
- This code implements the search algorithms described in [1]. The code only contains the Dirichlet/Multinomial case, but the Gaussian case can be hacked in in about 5 minutes. [1] Fast search for Dirichlet process mixture models Conference on AI
- MATLAB Simulink Conference 2007 cd1
- MATLAB Simulink Conference 2007_Track2-1
- Performs Procustes point alignment on a group of point sets. Method rigidly aligns, shifts, and scales points to reduce mean square error. Method is described in: B. Klare, P Mallapragada, A.K. Jain, and K. Davis, "Clustering Face Carvings: E
- 2010年国际自动化测量技术和机电一体化会议 无位置传感器开关磁阻电机的研究-Automation of measurement technology in 2010 International Conference and Mechatronics Sensorless Switched Reluctance Motor with
- conference Paper written by Aamir from Sudan University of Science & Technology
- QCldpc编码的基础论文,包含期刊和会议的论文,还挺好的-QCldpc coding in basic academic,Including journal and conference papers, pretty good
- Image descr iptor based on Histogram of Orientated Gradients for gray-level images. This code was developed for the work: O. Ludwig, D. Delgado, V. Goncalves, and U. Nunes, Trainable Classifier-Fusion Schemes: An Application To Pedestrian De
- 2011国际表面检测高峰会议ISIS在德国召开。此份文件为此次会议发表的论文。探讨了工业表面检测前沿科技和应用(主要是工业图像检测技术),以及发展趋势-2011 ISIS International Surface Inspection Summit held in Germany. This document is the conference papers. Detected on the surface of the cutting-edge technology and industri
- recative power pricing national conference paper is present inside
- 在此代码所使用的算法是从以下引用: S Gillijns等人“什么是集合卡尔曼滤波和它工作得如何?“ 2006年美国电力系统及其控制会议,明尼阿波利斯,美国明尼苏达州六月14-16,2006,页4448-4453。-The algorithm used in this code is referenced from the following: S Gillijns et al "What Is the Ensemble Kalman Filter and How Well Doe
- 独立成分分析2008年会议论文,能够有效解决基于ICA的多生源分离问题-Independent Component Analysis 2008 conference papers, can effectively solve the multi-ICA-based separation problem students