- 该系统使用极其简便,即使 你对各种网络模型不是很深刻的了解,也可以很好的使用该系统。使用时, 你可以自己修改网络的各种参数,交互性较好,而且该系统通过大量的图示 及参数设置,可以让你了解每个应用实例实现的过程及详细步骤。-The system is extremely easy to use, even if you have to various network model is not very profound understanding can be a good use of the
- This code is to estimate the parameter of model of Mixture Gauss which is popular model used in pattern classification . JAVA 写的估计复合高斯模型中的参数 -This code is to estimate the parameter of model of Jian Gauss which is popular model used in pattern cla
我编写的monte carlo随机数发生器
- 这是我在matlab环境下编写的产生随机数的源程序,包括产生均匀分布和正态分布,参数接口十分灵活。-in Matlab environment prepared by the random numbers generated by the source code, including the Uniform Distribution and normal distribution, parameter interface is very flexible.
- 为模型参数中的动静比例知道的情况 属于一种新的模型 - The situation knew which for the model parameter in sound of something astir proportion belongs to one kind of new model
- 改进的单纯形算法,类的定义及实现,效率较高,单参数优化对初始参数要求不高。-improve the simplex algorithm, the class definition and implementation, higher efficiency, single-parameter optimization of the initial parameters modest.
- 利用一般最小二乘法和SVD-TLS方法 进行AR参数估计和正弦波频率估计 -use of general and the least-squares method SVD-TLS AR method parameter estimates and the estimated frequency sine wave
- 这是一个好的建模学习资料,赶快下载吧, 数学建模十大算法 ( 包含:蒙特卡罗算法、数据拟合、参数估计、 插值等数据处理算法、线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二次规划等规划类问题、 图论算法、动态规划、回溯搜索、分治算法、分支定界等计算机算法、 最优化理论的三大非经典算法:模拟退火法、神经网络、遗传算法、 网格算法和穷举法、一些连续离散化方法、数值分析算法、图象处理算法)-This a good model to study the information, downloa
- MCRGSA------组播路由问题遗传模拟退火算法 %M-----------遗传算法进化代数 %N-----------种群规模,取偶数 %Pm----------变异概率调节参数 %K-----------同一温度下状态跳转次数 %t0----------初始温度 %alpha-------降温系数 %beta--------浓度均衡系数 %ROUTES------备选路径集 %Num---------到各节点的备选路径数目 %Cost-------
- this m file can Find a (near) optimal solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) by setting up a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search for the shortest path (least distance needed to travel to each city exactly once) Notes: 1. Input error checki
- 用遗传算法进行特征选取和svm参数优化的程序。遗传算法工具箱goat已在压缩包 需要安装libsvm就可以直接运行。数据集采用UCI中的german数据集,并完成归一化操作,Genetic algorithm with feature selection and parameter optimization svm procedures. Genetic Algorithm Toolbox in goat need to install libsvm package can be run dir
- livsvm参数寻优程序,率定libsvm做回归时的参数c,g-livsvm parameter optimization procedure, rate of return when the parameters of libsvm do c, g
- 里面有两个实验,包括PPT和实验的代码,可以帮助一些想学习神经网络的朋友一个大忙。-We now have an easy scr ipt (easy.py) for users who know NOTHING about svm. It makes everything automatic--from data scaling to parameter selection. The parameter selection tool grid.py generates the follo
- 这是一个用pso优化SVM中的惩罚参数C和核参数g的MATLAB源码,简单易学-This is an optimization of SVM with the pso in the penalty parameter C and kernel parameter g of the MATLAB source code, easy to learn
- A distributed PSOSVM hybrid system with feature selection and parameter optimization -Abstract This study proposed a novel PSO–SVM model that hybridized the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and support vector machines (SVM) to improve the clas
- 对于被控线性连续系统,基于遗传算法的PID参数整定程序。-For the charged linear continuous systems based on genetic algorithm PID parameter tuning process.
- 蚁群算法的参数选择技巧,主要讲解参数搭配,如何使算法最优-Ant colony algorithm for parameter selection techniques, mainly on the parameters match, how to make the algorithm optimal
- Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms 遗传算法 参数控制 IEEE 经典论文-Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms A´ goston Endre Eiben, Robert Hinterding, and Zbigniew Michalewicz, Senior Member, IEEE
- 利用正交学习粒子群对PID参数整定的仿真程序和仿真图。-The PID parameter tuning of the simulation program and simulation diagram.
- 研究复杂网络的模型中参数未知的情况,用MALLAB解决参数估计问题-The parameters of the model study of complex networks is unknown, parameter estimation problem solve with MALLAB
- 基于混沌参数调制技术,研究混沌反同步在密保通信的应用-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Jīyú hùndùn cānshù tiáozhì jìshù, yánjiū hùndùn fǎn tóngbù zài mì bǎo tōngxìn de yìngyòng 您是不是要找: 婚Chaotic parameter modulation technology, research and application of anti-synchronization of cha