- 利用MATLAB对扩频信号进行检测和参数估计,结果表明本方法具有在低信躁比下检测的优势-The use of MATLAB for spread spectrum signal detection and parameter estimation results show that this method is in the low than under the letter impatient edge detection
- 频域的模态参数识别方法之一,可以对振动信号进行分析处理,得出结构的固有频率,阻尼比,振型系数,方法很好,程序完整,-Frequency-domain modal parameter identification methods that can analyze the vibration signal processing, draw the structure of natural frequencies, damping ratio, mode shape coefficient, very
- 经典的短波信道模拟程序——wattson模型,比较好用,适当设置参数-Classic short-wave channel simulation program- wattson model, easy to use, the appropriate parameter settings
- 一个完整的用ITD方法进行环境激励下模态参数识别的程序-this is a program about using ITD mathod to identify modal parameter
- 本软件主要用于结构的时域试验模态分析,包括单输入单输出,单输入多输出和多输入多输出程序设计。传统的模态分析软件大多是基于频域分析方法,需首先对采样信号进行Fourier 变换。本软件使用实测时域信号,无需Fourier变换,可以避免由于信号截断而引起泄露、出现旁瓣、分辨率低等问题对辨识精度的不利影响。此外,节省了计算机运算时间,可以对实际工况状态下的结构进行在线参数识别。-This software is mainly used for the structure of time-domain
- 模态参数的时域识别方法,即在时间域内识别试验结构模态参数。-Time-domain modal parameter identification method, that is, the structure in time domain modal parameter identification experiments.
- 模态参数频域识别,是指在频率域内识别试验结构模态参数的方法。-The frequency domain modal parameter identification, is the recognition test in the frequency domain method of structural modal parameters.
- 频域的模态参数识别方法之一,可以对振动信号进行分析处理,得出结构的固有频率,阻尼比,振型系数,方法很好,程序完整-Frequency-domain modal parameter identification methods that can analyze the vibration signal processing, draw the structure of natural frequencies, damping ratio, mode shape coefficient, metho
- 频域的模态参数识别方法之一,可以对振动信号进行分析处理,得出结构的固有频率,阻尼比,振型系数,方法很好,程序完整,-Frequency-domain modal parameter identification methods that can analyze the vibration signal processing, draw the structure of natural frequencies, damping ratio, mode shape coefficient, very
- 时域模态参数识别方法,有效的识别时域信号 并提取模态参数。效果较好-Time-domain modal parameter identification methods, and effective identification of time-domain signal and extraction of modal parameters. Better-
- 基于分布参数模型的比相式单相故障单端测距算法 关键词:输电线路;单端故障测距;分布参数:比相;ArP 仿真-Distributed parameter model based on single-phase than with single-ended fault location algorithm Key words: transmission line single-ended fault location distribution parameters: ratio of p
- Parameter+Estimation+and+Inverse+Problems 该书的配套光配内容-Parameter+ Estimation+ and+ Inverse+ Problems with the contents of the book' s supporting light
- 该代码实现了图像的滤波处理,这段代码给出了三种滤波矩阵,包括图像平滑(低通滤波器)、图像边缘提取(高通滤波器)等。用户下载后可以根据自己需要修改滤波矩阵和参数值,以便实现特殊的功能。为了形象的说明滤波效果,代码执行后可以看到滤波前后滤波后的对比图像。 -The code of the image filter processing, the code shows the three filter matrix, including the smoothing (low pass filter),
- fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the laplace distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a laplace distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(x) = 1/(2*b)*exp(-abs(x-u)/b)
- fit_ML_rayleigh - Maximum Likelihood fit of the rayleigh distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a rayleigh distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-r^2/(2*s))/s wit
- This appendix contains more elaborate MATLAB programs that supplement the programs in the text. Most of the programs utilize a graphic user interface (GUI), which simplifies parameter changes and allows quick repeated use of the program.
- Kalman parameter estimator source code. Kalman is used a parameter estimator here. By using that algorithm one can estimate the expected value and variance of random variable.
- 时间序列分析中参数估计方面的实现,在matlab环境下实现的代码-parameter estimation
- this code is or estimation Maximum likelihood parameter
- 使用matalb软件,利用递推阻尼最小二乘法进行参数辨识,并改变噪声的强度,即 a*ξ(t)(0<a<1),分析、比较一般递推最小二乘和递推阻尼最小二乘方法的优缺点 ;-Use matalb software, the use of recursive damped least square method for parameter identification, and change the intensity of noise, that is a* ξ (t) (0 <a