- 包括图像分析的四部分代码:matlab扩散和高斯函数,线性扩散,线性复扩散,非线性扩散。,It contains four parts: [1]MATLAB function:diffusion.m gauss.m [2]Linear diffusion Applying linear diffusion to images creating linear scale-space. MATLAB code: demo_lin.m Image: haifa1.bmp [3]Li
- smoothed particle hydrodynamics, metlab preliminary program
- This an matlab source code for smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulaiton. It include matlab routines and input data.-This is an matlab source code for smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulaiton. It include matlab routines and input data.
- Basic function to locate and measure the positive peaks in a noisy data sets. Detects peaks by looking for downward zero-crossings in the smoothed third derivative that exceed SlopeThreshold and peak amplitudes that exceed AmpThreshold. Dete
- 一种新的稀疏问题的直接求解算法——平滑l0算法-Sparse problems can by directly solved by a novel algorithm-- smoothed l0 method
- 这个文件包含了正弦调频信号的魏格纳威利分布以及经过平滑和加窗后的伪魏格纳威利分布和平滑伪魏格纳威利分布-This file contains a sinusoidal FM signal of the Wigner distribution and Na Weili after smoothing processing window of the pseudo-Wigner-Na Weili smoothed pseudo-Wigner distribution and the distribu
- Decimation reduces the original sampling rate for a sequence to a lower rate, the opposite of interpolation. The decimation process filters the input data with a lowpass filter and then resamples the resulting smoothed signal at a lower rate.-Decimat
- 通过计算短时信号熵,与阈值比较,得到判决结果。并采用顺序统计滤波器(最大值滤波器)对所得熵值滤波,提高判决精度。 能有效的分辨出语音信号和噪声信号,且通过后端平滑处理,使语音检测结果更加集中。-VAD based on short-time entropy, precision improved by using order-statistical-filter, VAD result is smoothed to make the result more accurate.
- FAM Method. This Method compute spectral correlation density function. This method is based on modifications of time smoothed cyclic cross periodogram.
- 现代信号处理课程中的周期图算法仿真,主要利用平滑周期图来处理的-Courses in modern signal processing algorithm simulation periodogram, smoothed periodogram using mainly to deal with
- the noise deteriorates the interpolation performance in digital images, it is effective to employ denoising prior to the interpolation. In this paper, we propose a novel interpolation framework in which denoising and image sharpening methods
- 一个测试光纤陀螺输出信号平滑性与否的程序,如果不平滑,采用差分法平滑处理后再进行方差计算等-FOG output signal a test of whether or not the process smooth, if not smooth, then smoothed differential method for calculation of variance
- computer vision library to obtain a gaussian smoothed field for optic flow
- music算法的空间平滑法程序,对协方差平滑后看到对相关信号的空间谱估计准确-music algorithm, spatial smoothing procedures, see the relevant signal space spectrum estimation accurate smoothed covariance
- 一种快速的基于在弦到点距离累技术的角点检测- A Fast Corner Detector Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique 1. Find the edge image using the Canny edge detector. 2. Extract edges (curves) from the edge image: 2a. fill gaps if they are
- matlab编写的面部图像处理的程序,有界面,能进行平滑,采样,锐化,模糊等多项处理-matlab written facial image processing program, the interface can be smoothed, sample, sharpen, blur number
- 在平滑信号中加入高斯分布的白噪声,然后用db4小波函数进行多尺度分解,滤除白噪声,将滤波前后的图进行对比-Add the Gaussian distribution of the white noise in the smoothed signal, and then multi-scale decomposition db4 wavelet function, the filtered white noise, comparing before and after filtering
smoothed L0重建算法
- 用于压缩感知信号重构,采用最速下降法和梯度投影原理,逐步逼近最优解,不需要信号的稀疏度这个先验条件,对信噪比的变换不敏感,重构速度快
- MUSIC codes. Contains simple ,spatially smoothed and multipath environment-MUSIC codes. Contains simple ,spatially smoothed and multipath environment
- 本程序包含魏格纳分布及平滑伪魏格纳分布的两个matlab函数,适用于信号时频处理-The program includes Smoothed Pseudo Wigner distribution and Wigner two matlab function, frequency treatment applies to the signal