- 实现了小波滤波器构造,低通滤波器,高通滤波器-realized the filter structure, low-pass filters, high-pass filter
- 工交车查询系统,管理工交车的查询以及工交车的信息管理。质量超高的代码。三层架购。跟网上那些垃圾代码绝不一样-delivery systems for the management and delivery of public inquiries delivery of information management. High quality code. A three-tier frame purchase. Those with Internet junk code is definitely
- 作品基于STC89C52RC单片机的数字式倒车雷达的设计。该系统是以单片机为核心的一种低成本、高精度、微型化,并有数字显示和声音报警功能的倒车雷达系统,该倒车雷达根据超声波测距原理研制,将测得的结果送至数码管显示,同时进行声音报警和一些必要的其它辅助功能。-Works based on single-chip digital STC89C52RC reversing radar design. The system is based on the microcontroller as the c
- 基于高速铁路周边电动势计算的关键,对这方面研究很有价值,大量公式都做了函数,供大家参考-Electromotive force based on the calculation of high-speed railway around the key research in this area of great value, a large number have done a function formula for reference
- 16位恒流LED彩屏驱动电路,有16个恒压源,通过双极器件给出一个2-80mA的恒定电流,高效驱动LED-Color 16-bit constant current LED driver circuit, a constant voltage source 16 through the bipolar device is given a 2-80mA of constant current, high efficiency LED driver
- 抖动的存在,陀螺输出脉冲数在正负200之间跳动;其频谱表现为在抖动频率处的一个能量非常高(14000)的谱线;500~1000赫兹之间也有40左右的能量,表明陀螺输出存在一定的高频噪-The existence of jitter, gyro output pulses beating in between plus or minus 200 the performance of its spectrum in the frequency jitter of a very high energ
- 研究模糊算法时编写的一个小函数,曾经用于第一版XUFO上的模糊控制器,优点是计算量小,简单易用,缺点是适应性不够强,不能满足高精度的需要。建议在使用的时候可以加入误差积分,形成简易模糊PID的架构,可以提高稳定时的精度。 -Study of fuzzy algorithms written a small function, has been used in the first edition of XUFO on the fuzzy controller, the advantage of c
- 此程序功能为输入发射点重力惯性坐标系下的坐标,求出当时的地理经、纬、高;-This program functions as the input launch point gravity inertial coordinate system of coordinates, then find the geographic, economic, weft, high
- 弹道导弹从东经120北纬20高度30公里打目标东经150北纬30高度0的目标,关机点及飞行时间计算。还介绍了惯性导航的内容。 对于弹道式导弹:目标作为地球上的某一点,它是随地球一起在惯性空间运动的,因此需要迭代求解需要速度和自由飞行时间。按照给出的程序进行多次迭代解算即可得出考虑地球自转时的关机点参数解算和飞行时间计算。-20 ballistic missile from a high degree of north latitude and 120 east longitude hit tar
- 国外Handbook in OR & MS机构最新的关于城市交通信号控制研究手册,包括:研究现状,主要研究方法、主要研究城果及发展趋势综述,涉及领域包括城市路网交通控制和高速公路的交通控制。对从事交通控制邻域的学者具有很高参考价值-Abroad Handbook in OR & MS organizations the latest research on the Urban Traffic Signal Control Handbook, including: research sta
- 本程序源码包括确定轨道的sgp4源码和精度更高的sgp8源码,适合追求高精度使用.-This program tracks sgp4 source code include the identification of source and accuracy of higher sgp8 source code, suitable for the pursuit of high-precision using.
- java 编写的火车售票系统,程序简单,系统可行性高,界面友好。-java prepared train ticketing system, the program is simple, high system availability, and friendly interface.Check the passage of the longest shortest word, and the number of words
- 后处理系统采用Visual Basic语言编写,由窗体,模块,类模块构成。主要分为参数设置模块,数据导入模块,粗差探测模块,数据显示模块,数据导出模块共五大模块,软件通过读取多种电子水准仪观测原始文件,提取出有效数据,并形成“预处理.txt”作为公共数据接口,再进行粗差探测,在粗差探测过程中,可以在参数设置模块手动设置等级限差,完成后显示水准观测手簿,最终导出水准观测手簿成多种形式,比如多种Excel,TXT格式的文件,同时生成水准概算表。 高精度电子水准仪观测数据后处理系统能处理:
- 分析铁路运动部件高速摄影的运动序列图像,得到图像的标志像素的位移/速度/加速度数据,图表等-Analysis of high-speed photography, motion image sequence, a sign of the image pixel displacement/velocity/acceleration data, charts, etc.
- 针对基于GPS/GIS的浮动车数据特点,总结其中无效的数据类型,并给出数据有效处理的方法。以支持向量机原理、交通状态预测方法为基础,分析了常用支持向量回归机、核函数及模型参数的性能,以及各核函数及模型参数对支持向量机性能的影响及作用。针对路段平均速度预测中的小样本、非线性、高维回归等特点,将支持向量回归机方法引入基于浮动车数据的路段车辆速度预测,构建了路段平均速度短时预测模型。并以杭州市某路段的实际数据为例,详细阐述了支持向量回归机预测模型的具体建模和求解过程。运用LibSVM2.84软件包,进
- 车牌识别的探索代码,为高清识别提供基础,应用在智能交通之中-Exploration license plate recognition code to provide a basis for high-definition identification applications in intelligent transportation among
- This program uses jet engines to present a variety of math and physics problems.-Rate and force problems of different levels of difficulty are included. These are targeted for the high school student. The rate problems deal with how far and how long
- AAR美国六级谱计算程序,用于生成高铁线路随机不平顺-Random Irregularity The AAR United States six spectral calculation procedures used to generate the high-speed rail line
- 亚声速超声速高阶空气动力学板块代码。所有线化理论板块方法中最可信和准确的。-High order aerodynamic panel code. The most versatile and accurate of all the linear theory panel codes. Subsonic/supersonic solutions with linear source strength variation and quadratic doublet strength variatio
- 大功率永磁同步电机的驱动技术研究,挺详细的。-high-power PMSM drive technology。