- 本人用powerbulider写的一个用于危险品管理的程序,可实现异地通过调制解调器连接数据库,降低通讯成本。主要用于公安部门对危险品的运输、销售、盘点、销毁、上报等的管理,程序短小,效率高。奇怪,居然开发环境中没有powerbulider 是不是站长对pb有偏见?-I used to write one for the management of dangerous goods procedures can be realized in different localities via mod
- 这是一套用VB+SQL联合开发的物资管理系统,能适合所有物资系统,利用率高!-This is a set of SQL VB joint development of materials management system, which is suitable for all materials, high utilization rate!
- BTMAS 网站BT发布系统是新一代BT发布系统,速度更快,超高负载,占用资源极小,非常适合中大型BT网站投入使用和运营 -BTMAS website publishing system BT BT is the next generation delivery system, faster, high load, occupancy minimal resources, which is very suitable for large-scale use of the BT websit
- 一个地理信息系统相关,将经纬度坐标转换为高斯克吕格投影坐标。-a geographic information system related to latitude and longitude coordinates into high Shikelu:ge projection coordinates.
- 本息统基于中国网站技术人员最熟悉WindowsNT环境和Asp语言,安装简单,使用方便。并且oblog程序全面开放源代码,一些高端使用用户可以对代码进行修改,在Oblog的基础上增加符合本网站的功能模块-reunification based on the principal and interest of Chinese web site technical staff most familiar with the Windows environment and Asp language, S
- RX3310无线发射及接收程序,测试后可用,但精确度不一定很高!-RX3310 launch and receive wireless procedures, tests can be used, but not necessarily very high precision.
- 包括高数计算器,工程实用计算器软件,计算工厂,解方程器等用VB编写的四个计算器-including the high number of calculators, calculators practical engineering software to calculate factories, Xie equation with VB, etc prepared by the four calculators
- 二重积分 Guass—L高精度求积计算,精度高,速度快-double integral Guass-L for the calculation of high-precision, high accuracy and speed
- 国产简体中文版专业通过Baidu.COM引擎快速搜集大量目标城市和行业的公司企业客户手机号码的手机号码 搜索软件工具。Baidu.COM中收录了全世界的中文公司企业网页,输入与手机号码相关的字符即可检索到大量的手机号码,而且这些号码都是活跃的、有效的,具有极高的市场营销价值。软件通过一次性导入上千个检索关键词列表,自动搜索和提取手机号码,自动纠正错误的手机号码。它可以全天候24小时无人值守工作,是一个真正的手机号码搜索机器人,为您通过手机短讯营销方式推销或采购产品助一臂之力。搜索到的号码可以
- 另外一个OFDM频偏估计的代码,以该代码为基础的文章被EI检索收录,具有很高的参考价值。-Offset Estimation code to the code of the article was based on the EI retrieval recorded. have a very high reference value.
- Feature selection is a preprocessing technique frequently used in data mining and machine learning tasks. It can reduce dimensionality, remove irrelevant data, increase learning accuracy, and improve results comprehensibility. FCBF is a fast correlat
- RBF of high order fundamental solution of 3D Helmholtz operator
- 营业用电管理系统(网络版)是本公司推出的新一代软件产品,该产品采用Clent/Server网络结构,利用Borland C++ Builder开发,以大型数据库MSSQL Server为数据管理平台,数据存取量大,数据安全级别高,操作灵活,功能齐全,是目前电力营销企业较为理想的应用软件 本软件后台数据库创建由之前上传的“数据库后台管理工具”创建-electricity business management system (network version) is the company'
- 由于音像制品的品种繁多,所以音像租赁对于数据的查找,修改,删除和添加等功能的需求量很大,用人工手记的方式显然很烦琐,所以本项目就是为此设计.本项目可以对音像制品进行规范化管理,进而提高经营效率,实现中小音像租赁店日常工作的管理.-as audio and video products, the wide variety and audio data for the lease to search, modify, delete and add features such as the hig
- 波粒百万高清IPC的SDK及DEMO的C++源代码-Wave-particle million high-definition IPC SDK and DEMO the source C++ code
- 合成实验的上位机程序,主要用于考核高压断路器开断能力的一种重要方法,也是考核特大容量高压断路器开断能力的唯一可行方法。主要实现数据的采集与存储,和对同步控制装置的参数配置。-PC synthesis experiment procedures, mainly for assessing the capacity of high-voltage circuit breaker an important method, but also assess the capacity of large ca
- 这是一个将EXCEL内文本转换成AUTOCAD中文本的程序,可以转置。能够设定文本间距文本高度文本起点等。试试看,你会得到更多。适合CAD绘图人员和电气设计人员使用-This is an EXCEL within the text will be converted into AUTOCAD Chinese version of the procedure, you can transpose. Can set the text spacing text of a high starting p
- 潮流计算源程序。 既可以用于高压输电网的潮流解算,又可以用于低压配电网的潮流解算,还可以同时解算输电网加配电网的混合潮流问题。 -Source flow calculation. Both high-voltage transmission networks can be used to calculate the trend, but also can be used in the trend of low voltage distribution network solver, bu
- 高精度控温算法,使用PID控制思想,可控温到0.1度-High-precision temperature control algorithm, the use of PID control of thought, can be temperature to 0.1 degrees
- 选择ZIGZAG指标的高低点,如果突破高点做多,突破低点做空-Select the high and low points of the ZIGZAG index, if the breakthrough point to do more, break the low point